
Is Barrack Hussien Obama a Patriot for the good old Red, White and Blue/Is he a true lover of this U.S.A.?

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Did he put his hand over his heart when the Star-Spangled Banner played? Would he recite the Pledge of Allegiance on National TV? He wants to make your free Country a Socialist State. Wake up PEOPLE !!!!!




  1. obama said he will take the troops out of iraq if he was elected!! wake up he has no power as the president because who does the president send the bills to. congress!!!! and they decide if they like it or not!! obama is also stupid!

    democrats are not sound idiot!!! they believe in abortion!! and g**s!! sickos

  2. He wouldn't even go see the wounded soldiers because he couldn't take his photographers with him! Right he's a Patroit!!====================== and Exquisite soul! What is 1 good thing he has done for this country???

  3. Barak Obama is an intellectually great canadate that scares the living heck out of me.  His true colors have shown when he didn't  put his hand over his heart, when he stuck up for Rev. Wright despite Wrights spew of anti-American comments, when he has openly admittes to being associated with a self admitted terrorists who bombed the Pentagon and the NYPD headquarters (William Heirs) and the fact he wants to undermine the war on terror by not only pulling troops out of Iraq on an announced timetable (Making out troops a sitting target), but he also would like to bomb Pakistan who is another ally to America in the war on terror.  But his personality, magnetism, and this 'Rock Star' image people have of him will get him elected  and not what he really stands for.

  4. you bet ye he is.

  5. Obama is a patriot, he has contributed much to the US. I used to be shocked the by ruthless and unfounded Republican attacks, now I see it is really just dirty propaganda and bullying. The reason, I think, you aren't talking facts is because your argument is not sound.

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