
Is Barrister Roy Jacob a real practising Attorney in London?

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All I have is an email address for yahoo. He was given my name from a "friend" I have been emailing on the Internet. My friend is in Nigeria. He wants to find out if I can accept an inheritence for this friend. Any help to see if this lawyer is real would be most appriecated. Thank You for your help.




  1. He's not listed in the Bar Council Directory.

    But that aside, this is a classic example of the "Nigerian 419 scam".  Look it up, and keep yourself safe.

  2. It's a Nigerian 419 scam (google it to learn more). For a start a professional is unlikely to contact you with genuine business using a Yahoo (or any free webmail) address. Secondly in the English legal profession baristers do not deal directly with clients (solicitors do) so a real barrister would not contact you like this. Thirdly any stranger that wants any financial details from you, bank account, etc is almost certainly a scammer.

  3. SOUNDS like a scam

    many come out from that country.

  4. Hiya!

    This is one of the most famous scams around! Stay away! Don't respond or they'll know your account is active.

    My father receives loads of these emails!


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