
Is Bartending a good career?

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I'm thinking about working as a Bartender full time and doing it as a career. However, my family is against the idea they think it's just one of those jobs to do while i'm a student in college. I've also heard it from people in school; they say I should'nt settle for that job and that I should work towards something better. On the other hand I've heard stories about Bartenders making excellent money on tips. What do you guys think? Should I settle for a Bartender.




  1. Your family is right. Bartending is a good thing to do while going to school but do you really want to do that for the rest of your life? You won't have any kind of meaningful social life because you will be working at night all the time. And that means no family of your own. If you really want to be in that kind of business, why don't you go to business school and then maybe one day you could own your own bar. Right now the economy is very unstable and those tips that you count on could fade away very fast. It is not a good career choice. Listen to your family. They want the best for you.

  2. I am a bartender and while it's fun and I make good tips, I am still in college and I'm only doing it to put myself  through. Stick with school because you could have a good night or a slow night.

    (Or people who ask for the most complicated drinks and leave no tip! *Blender Drinks!*) Also age plays a major factor in bartending, I'm 24 now but I don't want to be a 50 year-old bartender.

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