
Is Basil Brush racially offencive?

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Children's TV puppet Basil Brush is at the centre of a bizarre police probe into claims by a group of gipsies that they were racially abused on a BBC programme.

The gipsies allege that an episode of the Basil Brush Show which showed a gipsy woman trying to sell the puppet fox wooden pegs and heather was racially offensive.

They contacted Northamptonshire police who have now approached the BBC over the claims.




  1. They have a point the pikeys I saw yesterday didn't try to sell me heather and pegs, it was tacky, chavvy gold.

  2. boom boom

  3. Stereotyping is not the same as being racist.

  4. I suppose every minority group feels they want to jump on the bandwagon and say they have been racially abused but this one is ridiculous.

  5. The b******s! I thought fox hunting was banned.

  6. Claw's right there a big difference between stereotyping and being racist.Smacks of snobbery I reckon.Time was they'd be glad of a few bob selling stuff door to door,just like door to door salesmen did.It's a fact that they did this so how can it be racist.

    The first toy my husband bought our first born child was a Bazil Brush which said 'Boom,Boom' when you pulled his tail.

    Scared the life out of him!

    Oops just read the bit that said he nicked his wallet.Might be on thin ice with that one!

  7. show me the money boom boom! should have got them to tarmac his drive while they were there! lol

  8. What! i think i watched that programme but it was just for laughs they dont mean anything about it.

    And any way how can gipsies know about the programme i thought they didnt own TV's and how can they with moving about! oh my god i just realised they couldnt have paid for a TV linence! you need a post code.

    personally i would have thought the police would have go and arrested them for that....but thats britain for you.

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