
Is Bass easier than Electric or Acoustic?

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I know the bass guitar only has 4 strings but does that neccisarely mean its easier to play then a 6 string?




  1. It is neither easier nor harder; it is an entirely different skill. Played well, the bass is equally challenging. Bass lines are sometimes thought to be more repetitive, and they can be, but some of the best bassists have made innovative and ingeniously complementary tone lines to the lead. A bassist is not usually fronting. His/her job is to make the rest of the band sound good by keeping it on key and in rhythm. This is psychologically more challenging because the bassist must be listening to and serving others rather than ego-tripping. Less celebrated, good bassists are rarer than good lead players as good editors are rarer than good writers.

  2. usually yes, but the bass has harder strings so it tougher on your fingers. but the fact that there are 4 strings does make it easier.

  3. To be a decent player on the bass is certainly easier than being a decent guitar player.  Bass players I have played with have generally told me this.

    However, to be truly GREAT on the bass, like Victor Wooten and other greats, is every bit as challenging as playing any other instrument.

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