
Is Batman the Dark Night not suitable for kids under 12 in your opinion? Why?

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I haven't seen the whole movie, because I wasn't feeling well, but in your opinion for my little bro, is it appropriate? s*x, Violence...etc...?




  1. its violent and two-face may seem disturbing

  2. i think it should be G.

    even though soometimes people say bad words but im 10 i watched it alone its great everyone gotta watch it

  3. My little sister who is 12 went and seen it with me, my older sister, and mom and Dad and she LOVED it. The violence it the only thing that made it PG-13. But I don't know. There is no s*x. But my little sister loved it. But then again she did see Sweeny Todd The Demon Barbor Of fleet Street Rate R.But only for the blood, the Canablisim, and the violence. and she loved it to. In my opinion its like taking him to any super-hero movie rated PG-13. I think it's safe to let him watch it.

  4. there is violence but it really is not that bad

  5. It really depnds on your brother. There are some disturbing scenes but they mostly leave things to your imagination or they go by quickly.

    Alot of explosions, no s*x.

    But again, its kind of in your judgement as how well he takes things.

  6. It is bit too much to be a PG-13, It is graphic, no s*x not much cursing eather, in my opinion it should be R. One of the best movies I ever seen

  7. Its pretty violent and very graphic for a PG-13 film IMO and left me wondering how it didn't get an R rating at times, but I realized that at the same time, it wasn't enough for an R rating. I dunno, its too much for a PG-13 but too little for an R rating, so its in between, I guess.

    so if you want to keep your little brother away from some pretty graphic and disturbing scenes, go ahead, but I personally wouldn't keep my nephew from it, as he's seen worse, in an R rated film.

  8. As a mother, I will say no, they may confuse what is right from wrong. For my opinion it is cataloged as a dark movie because of  the terrorism that affects  the gothom citizens.,The personality of the caracters are hard to understand. Also the movie is very long for little one to be steady

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