
Is racist?

by  |  earlier

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I think so due to the following that occured please look at my blog has it is quite long and will not fully fit here.

Please read it I think are for racism!




  1. No.  People are overly sensitive.  Let jerks be jerks.  It'll all come back to them in the end.

  2. ahh, whats happened is when you block someone it automatically deletes messages and comments from them, so if you blocked him or if bebo did it for you that's why the message was gone. If you choose to pursue it and want to kick up more of a fuss you can report them to an Internet watchdog and tell them that you dont think bebo are doing enough about racism happening on their site.

    hope that helps

  3. Analyzation will lead to paralyzation.

  4. The message bebo's admin sent you is the same kind of standard message any online forum would send under such circumstances. The first line of defense from trolls and stalkers on the net is to block 'em. It's HIGHLY likely that it was an automated response and never actually read by anyone. Your second complaint was probably read, only because it was the second one regarding the same matter.

    Trolls, stalkers and racists all suck, there's no doubt. But the minute we can no longer say what we want online, we all suffer. Ignore the jerks and let it go.

  5. no...the site itself is NOT racist but there's people that are racist on there and same with this site or any other site

  6. No it's not. Accually the person who created it is African-American.

  7. This is the internet. People WILL say what they like, with more or less no penalty. The best thing to do would be to ignore him. Petty things like that aren't worth getting upset over.

  8. Sounds like they are anti you. Yup, probably a racist organization.

  9. No, it's just a website...not a racist thing...

  10. yeah, i agree. rasism is a horrible thing and should have something done about it :)

    dont let that person get away with it, i think you should try and do something else (if you can)
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