
Is Beijing really safe?

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After the deaths of the 17 policemen in North West China, and threats from the Islamic extremists, do you think that China's Army is capable of stopping any attacks on the Beijing Olympics?




  1. Not safe. These suicide bombers will defintely kill as many as possible soon. They care nothing for security or people. Look at israel highest security in world but cannot stop the crazy Hamas muder gangs killing children in their cities.

  2. hmm... how often do you see airplanes flying into World Trade Center? was the U.S. government able to stop it? ... nope we saw the towers go down... so ... Who knows what's gonna happen in Beijing! I'm not worried though. I have a feeling that it's gonna go well... in terms of safety issue...

  3. on the day of the opening ceremony there are no planes going in or out of beijing for 32 hours.

    that's how safe it is...

    oh and... i don't care if you're skin is purple i'm tired of people asking stupid questions about the largest country in the world

  4. well, even the US, as the claimed themselves to be the most powerful country in the world, was attacked by terrorists, what do you expect? but since the Chinese government is very cautious about terrorism in the Olympics, i suppose Beijing should be safe from terrorists' attacks.

  5. I think it is safe.

  6. If any country can, it's China.  I have to tell you, the police presence here in Beijing is overwhelming, and as it has gotten closer to the games it appears to be getting even stronger. There are a few lapses in their security, just due to the ways that they do things in China.  (it's hard to explain, but there is just a Chinese way of doing things that is sometimes really odd).  But, The government also has roadblocks on all  the streets leading into Beijing, and is strictly controlling who gets in.  I went to Tiananmen last Saturday to watch some fireworks they were setting off and the amount of police and army personnel they have there is staggering.

    But on top of the police, there is also the ordinary citizenry.  Down to the  people living in run down hutongs, every Chinese I have met is extremely proud of the games and wants to do what they can do to help make sure they go smoothly.  They always pay attention to what people are doing, especially foreigners, but this year they seem to be exceptionally diligent. So you even have to count the regular people as part of the security apparatus.

    I think there could be more attacks in other areas, but it will be to hard for there to be attacks in Beijing, although we could see some protests.  Protests are more likely to be a problem in Beijing than attacks.

  7. Definitely Safe

  8. NO Place is really safe....Even where you live things happen it can be weather  earthquakes  diseases neighbors it's up to YOU to be your own guard

  9. i believe it's quit place is really safe.we could suffer from disease,weather,storm...etc.

    as we all know usa is the most powerful country in the world,but it also faces terrorism.

    so don't worry.

  10. China is not used to having freedom like we have in the US. They can step up security all they want and not have to worry about infringing on people's rights. For example, we whine and complain about the Patriot Act because the government can spy on us. Their government is not only spying on everyone, they are controlling everyone. In a police state, I guarantee the security will be tight.

    And as for Islamic Extremists, any highly publicized world stage is a target. They want the world to hear them and they might try, but I bet the Chinese will be able to foil plots before they occur.

    I have been to Beijing, and I felt very safe there in general.  

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