
Is Being Banned From The Boozer Suitable Punishment For Murdering Your Wife?

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This OAP has been spared jail but banned from his local for murdering his wife:




  1. they had good reason but i think he should be put in a hospital.

  2. It's worked for mrs Proper Gander 2.... so far.

  3. Being banned from pubs h**l that a punishment worse than death.  

  4. Sad and tragic.  He should have a monitor on him to keep track, and mental health care.

  5. for this guy it is.

  6. Now he was not banned from his pub in reality he was put under house arrest really of what I see in that item. I wonder is that a far greater punishment than anything. I am sure no one would like to think that their punishment for murder is to be in the same room all day that you are told it happened, and unable to remember. At the same time hoping that you don't ever get a flash back of what happened.

  7. I just heard this on the radio and i think that i nearly choked with rage. What the  ***** was the judge thinking, that its ok for some old drunk to murder his wife of 50 years, because she wouldn't give him money to go to the pub. So now he is banned from the pub, christ this makes me want to bang on the judges bench and send him to prison the stupid bstard

    a woman is dead, does that not make you spitting mad. Yet another bloody statistic, two women  a week are murdered apparently at the hands of a partner, so its ok, he is just a bit mental, no problem then. Some people here have their priorities quite wrong.

    if he has dementia, then he should be in a hospital.

  8. That's almost as bad as murder.

  9. wow that's harsh no more drinking down his local anyone would think he broke the law or something  

  10. The guy has dementia he prob doesnt even know he did it, he should be in a secure hospital

    edit - and he wanted to plead guilty but the Crown wouldnt let him

  11. I have just read the article and find the whole thing remarkably tragic. There are no winners and losers in this case only victims, everyone is a victim including Mr Flaherty. Another victim to this horrific condition.My heart goes out to the family, truly xx

  12. You should be embracing the fact that there are still people in this country with a little compassion.

  13. Yes.

  14. no thats harsh thay shold give i a cheesecake

  15. whatever next?  I think that is one of the most ridiculous punishments I've ever heard.  It won't stop the man drinking.  He'll just get his booze from the shop and drink at home.  The judge is obviously an idiot.

  16. This is a very serious matter,, the poor sod was probably provoked anyway !

  17. First glimpse of this and it does look crazy, but as the judge said the prison wouldn't be able to hold him for medical grounds and he would be released, thats fair do's.

    But then could he not be sent to somewhere like broadmoor or an equivalent secure hospital.

    There needs to be a custodial sentence given to any murder in my eyes as a way of deterrent if nothing else :)

  18. It's a weird sentence especially as we have 24 hour drinking and he is only restricted between the hours of 11am to 11pm.

    Weirder still is this comment by the judge taken from your link:-

    "You still go to the pub where you went with your wife. That must annoy her relatives"

    You can imagine the conversation "Oh, there's that guy that murdered our relative, tut tut, how annoying!!"

    I hardly think "annoying" sums up what you'd feel about a killer (unless you are an out of touch judge that is!)

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