
Is Belfast friendly?

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Im going Belfast soon, im just wondering are they friendly towards the English, is the city centre safe? just curious as whenever i go to Glasgow it seems slightly hostile towards outsiders

please let me know thanks




  1. aye were all friendly over here, its a gd place to go.  when your here take an open top bus tour or go 2 taxi traks, its a black taxi that takes you round the shankill and falls road to see all the murals on the walls, dont forget to bring a marker as they take you to the peace wall and you get to sign it.

    Also the crumlin road jail is now open for vistitors, go to the belfast welcome centre, its located beside topman in  royal avenue, they can give you tickets for local attractions (crumlin road jail tickets sold there) also information on belfast its self.


  2. Of course we're friendly all irish are friendly,

  3. Yeah it's great.

    just dont do anything like walking about by yourself in alleys at night . Not that you would anywhere


  4. yes, very friendly

  5. Aye we are friendly, and yes you will be safe, but their is still some areas you shouldnt go, like the back of tescos on royal avenue, but most other places you will be alright.


  6. Belfast is fine as long as long you don't go looking for trouble and stay in the main areas near the city centre. Don't act too arogant like some English can and you'll be fine

  7. not  so many people are being killed there now since Blair gave in to the terorists

  8. Belfast is friendly but its just like any other city...there are certain areas that are nicer for tourists.  The City Center is absolutley fine.  You will have no bother there.  Also, the University area is great.  There are lots of bars and places to eat there.  The Lisburn Road area is also good.

    Do't be afraid...we are a friendly bunch and I think,  a little nicer than glaswegians. Have fun!

  9. Yes, it's safe. The Irish (Northern or otherwise) are generally a friendly bunch, and many will keep talking for a while. Of course familiarise yourself with what the rough areas are. We went on a tour looking at the graffiti while we were there.

  10. Yes - everyone is friendly!!!

    I am Belfast, born and bred! and am proud to say that it's the friendliest place I know,

    Have been to england a few times, and in crowded places if you bump into someone they don't apologise, over here everyone apologises to everyone!

    Love it!! would never live anywhere else.

  11. It's like any city - has good areas and bad.  Hop on the train and visit us in Bangor while you're over!

  12. yes it is safe. i was there last year and it was okay for me.

  13. You will find the same in Belfast as you did in Glasgow, pretty uncouth bunch.
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