
Is Belgium a racist country? Also Russia?

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Just curious. But more so about Belgium. I'm planning to visit the country later on this year and I was wondering if it could possibly be a pleasant or unpleasant experience for a black person or other minorities who visit. And specifically the city of Liege.

Also I was wondering about Russia just for curiousity purposes. I read that they beat and/or kill anyone who isn't Russian or of paler skin. Is this due to nationalism or racism? both? I find this very interesting and your answers would help alot.





  1. I've always wanted to travel to Belgium!  (I don't know why, though)

    About Russia, the last couple of years I've heard in the news how Putin is encouraging Russian nationalism, working to restore "Russian pride" and rattling the Russian sabres.  (The average Russian has had a very difficult time since the fall of the USSR).  This has had the unfortunate side-effect of the rise in hate crimes against non-Russian minorities someone else here mentioned.

  2. My dad used to live in Belgium and I've spent a lot of time there. It is very multi-cultural and multi-ethnic. Because of Belgium's former west African colonies, there are a lot of people from a west African background, and there are also a lot of people of north African heritage.  There is a sizable east Asian community and a south Asian community.

    In short, it's just like any other city in western Europe: multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and very tolerant and liberal.

    The only problem I ever had there was one of frustration. Wanting to practise my French, it was not much help when half the population of Brussels seemed to try to address me in Arabic!

    It's a really nice country, actually. You'll have no problems whatsoever.

    As\far as Russia goes, I don't have any personal experience of it so I won't say anything. All I will say is that I don't really think there is such a thing as "a racist country". I've been all over the world and where ever you go, almost everyone is groovy and friendly and interesting.

  3. My expierences in Europe were more of a  "if you are from america we don't really like you too much, but we love your things like levis and ralph lauren." Of course, I was there during the whole "iraq war" start... so it could have cooled down/been different before. Also, I was there for about 5 months attending school in Germany. But all the "touristy" things I did, no one seemed to care who/what I was... Of course, anyone I met who spent time in america seemed to love me. As far as color, I'm not a minority so I don't really know about that... sorry.

    If you are just going for a short time I think that it wouldn't matter and that you would have a great time(I did when I went with friends to other coutries/places).

  4. Perhaps al you answerers who claim that Belgium is not a racistic country should visit Antwerp suburbs like  Borgerhout and Hoboken, with a majority of Marrocans, pay a visit to the headquarters of the ultra extremist party "Eigen Volk eerst" or visit the Brussels center for illegal immigrants "Le Petit Chateau" and the Congolese suburb.

    Belgium is certainly not the most racistic country on earth but lets not put halos on our heads and lets not forget that until some years ago you could see signs at the entrance of the Belgian discos reading "Interdit aux Nord Africains" (Forbidden for North Africans).

  5. well i'am a belgian and i'm not a racist, if your a tourist the are generally nice to you but some people are racist like in every country, but i hope you don't meet one like that

  6. I'm not sure. All I noe abt Russia from the History is that they use to be communist. Pardon me if i'm wrong..only heard from wrd of mouth.

  7. I don't know about Russia, but I do know that Belgium is not a racist country.  I hope you have a wonderful time there.  You also might want to visit Brussels and Antwerp.  You can get to both places by train.  The prices are good.  The trains run on time to the minute.  And don't forget to sample the outstanding Belgian chocolate (best in the world), some Belgian beer (yum yum) and of course waffles.  I visited Belgium 2 years ago and definitely want to go back many times.

  8. You've had a couple of people address the question of racism in Belgium, or lack thereof, so perhaps I'll contribute a bit about Russia.

         Racism certainly does exist in Russia, and unlike the idealistic thoughts of "no racist countries" from one of the answerer's, reality doesn't usually meet our hopes. Anyhow, there have already been more than 160 hate attacks on minorities this year in Russia, including more than 40 that have resulted in death. The reasons are both racism and nationalism, plus authorities turning a blind eye. The police are often racist and usually quite poorly educated.

        As a black person you could visit Russia and have a great time. The odds of a racial attack would be quite small, but higher than most other places in the west. These attacks are not limited to bad areas late at night either. They have also occurred just outside of busy metro stations in the middle of the day. The term for a black person in Russia sounds like ni**er, but is not meant in an insulting way, it's just the term used.

  9. NO, Belgians are not racists.

    One example : ALL our kings married foreigners!

    As long as you abide by the rules, by the laws, respect our traditions and that you behave correctly, nobody will bother you and your skin colour will have absolutely no importance.

    I am a Belgian but also an expatriate since a very, very long time and I am always astonished - when I come back home - to see how Belgians really intereact with foreigners. If they like you, you will have no problem at all. They may even take you under their wing and show you around or point out places of interests to see or visit. If they don't like you, they'll just  ignore you. Belgians mind their own business so they won't take time to trouble other people.

    We are a very open-minded people : we like to meet new people, interact with foreigners, help them out when needed. Belgium is a very cosmopolitan country, especially Brussels as it is where most foreigners work (eurocrats).

    You certainly will have no problem in Liège. The only problem you may encounter - because Liège is situated in the French speaking part of Belgium - is a language barrier if you only speak English. If you need some info, ask the younger people for help as they will be more likely to understand English and answer your questions.  

    I do not know about Russia but from the TV documentaries, you are right, in some parts they are very agressif towards black people especially towards the ones studying in universities over there. I basically think that this attitude is mainly due to jealousy because the locals there can't afford to go to university and do not understand the hows & whys strangers can manage and get help when they can't.

    But, let's not generalize. There are bad and good people everywhere but no need to risk your life if you do not have to go there. Never heard of tourists being killed due to the colour of their skin, though.

    Hope this helps.

    I wish you a very pleasant stay in our beautiful country and wish for you to meet lots of interesting people.

    Edit :

    Of course there are racists everywhere in the world but - generally speaking - those are a very small minority in Belgium and, as I mentioned before, if you behave and act normally and properly you shouldn't have any problem in Liège or, for that matter, in any other Belgian town.

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