
Is Ben Stein the smartest man in America?

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Is Ben Stein the smartest man in America?




  1. No. He is however a Zionist/Israel sympathizer, a shameless Social Darwinist,  and let-them-eat caker.

  2. you must be watching CNN...LoL..He is a smart man, i am not going to take that away from him. His views just don't match with mine in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

  3. No.

  4. nope ... that would be me:)

  5. LOL.  I know the guy is a conservative and everything...but after the movie Expelled, the guy loses all credibility

  6. wow if he is America is pretty dumb. Just because he had a game show doesn't make him smart. if that was true would Regis Philbin be one of the smartest, too?

  7. Ben Stein is a doddering old fool - not to mention a terrible game-show host...

    ...maybe the repubs will nominate him in 2012?

  8. No, actually I don't hold him in much regard.

  9. Definitely makes the short list.

  10. NO!!!!!!

    I hate Ben Stein, him and his stupid anti-evolutionist movie. After that thing bombed then he tried his hand at being a pundit and just demonstrates how annoying a unique mix of smug overconfidence and ignorance can be.

    He needs to go back to hawking eye drops.

  11. I think his movie, "Xpelled"  was a masterpiece sure drove the demons out of the intolerant evolutionists.

  12. Why for realizing how easily the religious sheep are lead around by the nose, manipulated, and trained?

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