
Is Biden the agent of change that Obama keeps talking about?

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If Obama REALLY wants change, why did he pick and old political hack like Biden who has been Washington for 3 decades? Not to mention Biden has had 3 or 4 failed attempts to get the nomination of his party while trying to run for president. As a conservative, i have to say I could not be happier with Obama's choice.




  1. Having Biden as VP isn't a bad thing, like a lot of people here are saying.

    He has the experience that people say Obama lacks.

    Not only on foreign policy, but on the whole scale in general.

    And as a Liberal, I couldn't be happier with the decision, either.

  2. It would make history.Obama still won't win.Most people don't vote for the V.P.

  3. Biden is the Hammer of Thor that will flatten what's left of the Straight talk Express into a tin foil pancake.

  4. Biden would be a great change from Cheney. If you go to the Biden Senate website, you can watch a short video of Biden conducting a hearing of the Foreign Relations Commitee of the Senate. He discusses the instability in Pakistan. Unlike Cheney, he knows what he is talking about, and does not believe in simplistic solutions such as using our  military as the major instrument of US foreign policy.

  5. JFK who ran on a "change" platform picked Lydon Johnson the "established" politician as his running mate. It worked. Reagan who ran a "change" campaign picked the "established" politician George H.W. Bush. It worked.

    This may work as well.

  6. If Biden is an agent of any type; American citizens need to be aware of this, and he will need to disclose that immediately.

  7. My guess is, if Obama had picked someone without D.C. experience, you'd be railing him for that too.  Face it, you just post questions to b*tch, b*tch, b*tch.

  8. As a conservative, this is fantastic.  Biden voted for the war, campaigned against Obama, comes from a small state with 3 electoral votes, was a frequent guest on Imus and has those ridiculous hair plugs.

    Hope McCain picks Pawlenty and delivers in the debates.  Even Romney would be a plus compared to Biden.  That said, I really think the debates will decide it this year.

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