
Is Biden too old to be VP.. ?

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I mean all Obama supporters worry about the use of depends and forgetfulness with older people.. do you think Obama will loose some of his base?




  1. Oh please the Republicans want a man with one foot in the grave; and Senator Biden is much younger than McCain.

  2. Try another one.  No.

    And the only thing loose is the s***w in your argument

  3. Cheney made it after 5 heart attacks so the answer is no.

  4. If Biden is too old to be VP then McCain is much too old to be President (McCain is 72, Biden is 65.

  5. stand him next to McCain and he will look like he is thirtysomething.

  6. No.  Keith Olbermann told them all he was OK.

  7. Obama said it's okay, so now his supporters have to love Biden, age and all.

  8. McCain still calls joe biden that young little whippersnapper

  9. He's not too old, but no one can honestly say Biden stands for "change." Biden has been in Washington for 35 years and he is the definition of Washington insider. This VP pick has totally undermined Obama's message of "change." This is just more evidence that Obama is a total fraud and offers nothing new.  

  10. biden maybe old but hes no mccain

    mccain has no buisness being old its rediculous he should really be more thoughtful and considerate

  11. Is that it?, is that your best shot? LOL,

    Obama/Biden 08

    added det;s;;;; so that was your best shot then, lol, just like your old azz mentor, demented/dementia (get it?, lol, no pun intended) by your opponent's popularity!

  12. NO

    But what about his health

    To young people age is very important. But after age 50 health is far more important than age.

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