
Is Bin Laden already captured?

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Is Bin Laden already captured?




  1. yea right... with a republican looking for him?

    hellz no!

  2. He was captured by Code Pink but they won't reveal this until a liberal is elected President and he/she can take all the credit.


  4. Honestly no ones knows.  There's rumors he died last year and other rumors that he's hiding in Pakistan.   Who knows where he's at right now.

  5. He's more likely dead considering the many pre-9/11reports that he was on dialysis and all the articles in the international press since then that have reported his death.

    But then, you can never trust the Bush administration.

    According to reports in the international press, Saddam was held for weeks before he was officially "captured".

    Reports indicate that Saddam was held by the Kurds in exchange for autonomy and protection for for PKK.

    Bush reportedly met with Kurdish leaders in Iraq during his "Thanksgiving" visit, when he held up the plastic turkey for the troops, to discuss the details of the exchange.

    That is most likely considering the timeline of Bush's hasty visit to Iraq and the latitude afforded the Kurds and the PKK terrorists since then.

    Then all the Bush administration had to do was hold him for an October Surprise complete with all the news cameras to sell the story to an anxious public.

    Remember, Bush's daddy was the head of the CIA.

    This kind of deception is the norm from the Bush family.

  6. America would put him in a country club prison. Give him a color TV and personal trainer. Feed him three big Muslim meals per day complete with imported wine. Give him a team of America's best lawyers, paid for by the tax payers. Take him before a liberal, catch and release judge, who would sentence him to 9,000 years for mass murder, but set his mandatory release date for 9 months. The anti America mass media would then pay him millions of dollars to write a hate filled anti America book which would be bought by all the liberals in America, making him rich like Al Gore. When he was released, he would run for congress as a democrat from New York and he would win in a landslide.

    I think we should leave him in his caves.

  7. If Bin Laden was already captured we would know. It would be all over the news.

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