
Is Bin Laden finally dying ? how many times he will die ?

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is osama bin laden dying again.? suddenly it will come and suddently it will go. the news have no effects among the people..




  1. I would not be surprised to find out he is alive and well in Langly, or driving cab in Detriot, or working at 7-11 in Los Angeles.

  2. America would put him in a country club prison. Give him a color TV and personal trainer. Feed him three big Muslim meals per day complete with imported wine. Give him a team of America's best lawyers, paid for by the tax payers. Take him before a liberal, catch and release judge, who would sentence him to 9,000 years for mass murder, but set his mandatory release date for 9 months. The anti America mass media would then pay him millions of dollars to write a hate filled anti America book which would be bought by all the liberals in America, making him rich like Al Gore. When he was released, he would run for congress as a democrat from New York and he would win in a landslide.

    I think we should leave him in his caves.

  3. media does not have a clue as to what is happening.. they're as oblivious as us.

  4. Who is Bin Laden? Whoever this person is, they sound nice.

  5. I don't know. Where did you hear this? Can you provide a link or reference?

  6. he wil die each time ttheir partisans  need  him or need to use his name to scare the "ennemy" of allah!!  he is quite immortal i'm affraid!

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