
Is Biodiesel the final solution?

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Is Biodiesel the final solution?




  1. But what about the corn?!...For gods sake, will somebody please think about the CORN?!!

  2. Biodiesel can be useful, but there are several significant problems when it comes to relying on it as a source of energy.

    First, the production of the organic matter (usually grain) often requires the use of a tremendous amount of energy, which is usually in the form of fossil fuels. Running the farm equipment, producing the fertilizer, irrigating the crops... these all require a great deal of energy. It is still arguable whether or not production of biofuels uses more energy than it creates.

    The second problem is the other environmental impacts that our current methods of farming create. To produce as much grain as is needed to make biofuels, an enormous amount of water, pesticides, and fertilizer is used. Each of these affect the environment in adverse ways. The over use of water depletes our aquifers, which in turn dries up rivers amongst other things. The over use of fertilizer increases the biological oxygen demand in our waters, creating an abundance of harmful bacteria that is toxic to the wildlife. Pesticides poison our environment, and create "super pests" that are ever increasingly difficult to control. There are also many other unfortunate side effects of farming by using our current practices.

    There is also the issue of using up our food supply. Many argue that if we start to use biofuels, then the world hunger problem will get worse. Unfortunately, much of the world has been hungry, and will be hungry despite the massive excess of food in the United States. This is more of a distribution problem than a supply problem.

    If we can both produce enough grain to feed ourselves, and have some left over, then it makes sense to turn it into biofuels instead of wasting it. Unfortunately, the production of grain with the purpose of using it as biofuel makes very little sense. Biofuels has become yet another topic companies have used to try and "green wash" the public, and I highly doubt that we will see any sort of sustainable production in the future.

  3. Depends where you get it from ???

    Not if it means that thousands of people die of starvation

    sounds more like a final solution for a depopulation strategy

    or That millions of hectares of indigenous forests are destroyed ,including all the animals that live there

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