
Is Bipolar disorder genetic?

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My son, who is ten,is super emotional and has been his whole life - huge mood swings and flies off the handle over nothing. I have tried and continue to try to teach him how to handle his emotion - but some days feel like I have no His father is bipolar is this genetic? or am I just freaking out over nothing...




  1. Bipolar can be genetic. Although you may think he has bipolar it could be something else since some disorders have the same symptoms. Your best bet is to take him to a child psychologist for an evaluation before you take him to a psychiatrist who will put him on medicine. Psychologist will probably conduct some testing, where as psychiatrist usually don't.

  2. Bipolar disorder tends to be much more common when a parent has it. You definitely need to take him to a psychiatrist.

    Best of luck!

  3. Yes, it's somewhat genetic. If his father has it, and your son has the symptoms, you should get him tested (is there a test? I don't know) to make sure.

    On the other hand, and I'm being realistic, kids go through moods swings, especially younger kids. Some small children (like preschool) will get really upset over relatively minor things. If he's ten, he's probably too old to be having temper tantrums, but is he sheltered? Honestly, could he still have the mentality of a 5 year old?

    If you're sure that's a no, take him to a doctor. Even if you have doubts, take him to make sure. Just be calm about it.

    Good luck!

  4. It is easier to be Bipolar when a parent has it, so it could be very possible, but something could also be upsetting him, try talking to him or take him to a therapist or something.  Good luck

  5. yes, it is genetic

    try taking him to a therapist

    even if he's not bipolar, it won't hurt

  6. yes, there is evidence that bipolar is genetic

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