
Is Black Empowerment the same as White Pride?

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They seem identical to me except one claims that the other is holding them down, wait, they both do that. I can't tell them apart. Can someone explain to me how they are different?




  1. White pride is known as racism, whereas black empowerment is a goal that we should all strive for.

  2. yes they are

  3. Yes they are.. except one uses the govt. to get what the need from the other!

  4. black empowerment seeks to rid the instiutional racism and promote  fairness without hurting anyone. white pride or the kkk both have a legacy of violence used to intimidate and keep blacks "in their  place". there is a huge difference. remember blacks have no history of enslaving, raping, and segregating whites. that is why comparing malcolm x or pastor wright to david duke or tom metzger dosen't work.

  5. The s**+**y  difference is if we are openly proud it is racist. If they are it is diversity.

    If a white makes an accomplishment it is because of some secret racist network.

    If a black makes and accomplishment it is long overdue


    By the way, if you are truly a proud person with accomplishments worth being proud of, you never cite your race religion or sexual identity.

  6. One side is racist, the other isn't. Guess which one is accused of being racist.

  7. No. Black empowerment is about Black people empowering themselves to rise up in the face of racial violence. White pride is about racism. They come from different backgrounds. The idea of black empowerment is rooted in the history of oppression in African American culture where they have been systematically prevented from attaining high paying jobs, affordable housing etc. Many blacks (including Malcolm X) felt that African Americans needed to stick together in order to uplift the community. White Pride is based in the ideas of the KKK and other hate groups that insisted that their race was superior to any other race. People who believe in black empowerment do not believe that they are the supreme race they just believe that they should help each other out in order to uplift the entire community.

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