
Is Blair so delusional that he believes we now think he was a good Prime Minister?

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When in fact it was he and his band of crooks and weirdos, including Brown, who have created the mess that is the United Kingdom 2008.




  1. you know it, i know it, we all know it, i never voted for him or for that caretaker PM Brown, but nor will i vote for the grinning smugness of Cameron.

  2. Honey - where have you been for the last ten years??

    Blair was a good prime minister, the improvments he made to this country were brilliant, even if he didnt manage to finish the job he started (I think a war caused a bit of distraction, but I could be wrong) and lets be honest if he wasn't your basically calling everyone who voted for him a bunch of  idiots.

    Or course you probably dont remember the thatcher years.  If your struggling listen to the popular music of the time (the specials should remind you of the right mood of the time).

    Brown - was a v.v.good chancellor, but he is a s**t prime minister.  What is a shame is that he is ruining all the work Labour put into turning this country around after Conservatives tore it apart.

  3. well some still believe he was a good Prime Minister, I am not one of them by the way. I always thought he was made of sand, promised lots and delivered virtually nothing.  

  4. Have any of 'em not made a mess?

  5. Well he was better than the current crop of idiots who are trying to run the country at present.

    Wouldn't you agree?

  6. He was a great PM. Which is why he was democratically voted in 3 times. They're the FACTS. You don't represent the majority - despite what you think!

  7. He was the King of Spin in a teflon coat.

    Too busy cosying up to showbiz people, accepting luxurious free holidays and claiming all he could on expenses.

    He must have condoned Brown- the -Prudent one selling gold and robbing pension funds, raising stealth tax.

    He promised education (x3), took us to war, feathered his own nest, cosied up to Dubya and slid out of office just before the proverbial hit the fan.

    New Labour? - mock Tory with a dash of Liberal and lots of spin.

    Good PM ny foot!!

  8. Lets hope your wrong.He has to try and sort out the Palestian/Israeli problem now.

  9. hes a catholic, self-delusion is their bag

  10. Of course he's delusional. Lets look at his new job, the title is Middle East peace envoy.

    Now how can a Man who went to war in Iraq against international law & had his hand in the murder of its head of state become a peace envoy, it's like giving Hitler the job.

    Its frightening the level of his delusion :)

  11. You know what? Tony Blair won my favor when he apologized to the United States for atrocities committed by British soldiers in Washington DC during the war of 1812. He was 200 years too late, but he was the ONLY one of British authority who made ANY such attempt. I can forgive Tony Blair for being probably the only one who tried to thank the US for their help in not one but 2 world wars involving Britain by offering Britain's support against Osama-bin Laden after the 9/11 bombings, with or without the backing of Parliament. You can hate Mr. Blair all you want, so far he is the only Brit who tried to appreciate the US for what they have done for the rest of the world!

  12. Yes, he's very delusional especially since he won't admit responsibility about the Iraq war, That war has been the cause of the deaths of thousands of innocent people in Iraq, a waste of soldier's lives, an increase in global terrorism therefore killing more innocent people in other countries included the UK. It also allowed innocents to get beheaded and killed in other horrific ways. That man has got too much blood on his hands and he is a war criminal and should not have any position of power whatsoever. People like him in power frighten me, because they have no consideration for other people's lives or misfortunes and they do not consider the future of our world. The main problem is that people like Blair underestimate everyday people for quite a few of us aren't as daft as they think now that is laughable!

  13. Yes, that's an excellent choice of word - delusional - he really does think he was the best pm ever! The cretin and his cronies have just about bankrupted this country and the only people to benefit from his time in office have been his family, friends and cronies! Sorry, of course so did Cheries practice!

  14. A good Prime Minister ? He was the worst since I have known, and that is going through a few, since I am over eighty. He pranced about and spent more time abroad poking his nose into International Affairs,that any Prime Minister has ever done, but of course  while doing that, he was making sure he got what he wanted for himself.He and his wife were nothing but go getter,s just for them, and the Country could go to h**l as far as he cared. He did nothing for us, only misery.

  15. i'm sure there are still some nut jobs who think he was great.

  16. The very worst. As bad as Neville Chamberlain.

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