
Is Brazil a Devoloped country?

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Send a message back to me as soon as possible i need to know for a humanties project we are doing at school in year 8




  1. Brazil is a poor 3rd world country. Only 10% of the Brazilian population would be considered middle class by European and American standards.

  2. it's still a developing nation.

  3. No, it's a developing country.

  4. lol yes brazil is a devoleped country they do have extremes in wealth and poverty but alot of countries do. Basically the welfare system in brazil pays less than a thousand a year. If I remember correctly less than five hundred so the poor there is not taken care of like in the U.S. and some parts of western europe. They have the fifth largest economy in the world. paved roads huge shopping malls factories and the whole nine yards. having been to brazil and being married to a brazillian citizen who when attending her last two years of college in the U.S. was able to maintain a 4.0 GPA and talked of how easy college is here compared with Brazil. I think they are very well developed.

  5. no,emerging.

  6. no it is not developed

    but is in the process of developing

    p.s i love brazil !!!!!!!

  7. Not really. It's sort of in between.

    Countries such as India are obviously LEDCs, (Less economically developed countries) and countries such as Japan are clearly MEDCs, (More economically deleveloped countries.

    Countries such as Brazil are in between because they have extremes of wealth and poverty. Their industry is still developing and is not yet at the extent that it is here in the UK. However it has more industry than countries such as India.

    Therefore Brazil does not really fall into any category so we call them EDCs, (Economically developING countries)

  8. G8 are developed countries and Brazil belongs to G5 which is a group of emerging ones.

  9. you should reference the Goldman Sach's BRICS report...  that would really impress that 8th grade teacher...

    Dreaming with BRICs: The Path to 2050

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