
Is Breast Feeding Better?

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Me And My Fiancee Are Having A Baby In January! She Does Not Want To Breast Feed But I Read All Over That It's So Much Better Than Formula? Just Wondering What Ya'll Think!




  1. As mentioned before, while lots of children thrive on formula, it's kinda gross and stinky.  Stop by the store and buy the pre-made formula in a glass bottle.  Open it up and smell it.  Gross!  The added benefit of breast milk is that it changes with the diet of the mom (introduces new tastes and makes solid food experiments easier) and it chemically changes as the child ages to meet their changing nutritional needs.

    Check out the breastfeeding website!

    Another added bonus - nursing is the only way that I can get my 5 month old to sleep at night.  It's relaxing for our whole family to have a well rested baby.

  2. Yes it is better...BUT the most essential part of breastfeeding is in the 1st week of the baby's birth...where the milk is colostrum..this has all the mothers immunities, thats why nurses push women who plan to formula feed to give their baby a 'first suck' at birth, so even if your wife wants to formula feed in the long run it's worth breastfeeding for just the 1st week.

  3. How Much Of Your Time Do You Take To Make Sure All The First Letters Are In Caps.

    Breastfeeding is supposed to be nutritionally better for the baby. If she doesn't want to breastfeed it is her decision.  

  4. Yes.

  5. I certainly agree that Breast-Feeding is alot better than Formulas. The nutrients that baby gets from breast-feed helps to stimulates the immune system. Your baby will have a stonger immune system to fight many kinds of sickness. N it certainly saves u a bomb!

  6. Yes it is better for the baby but its not for everyone i have 2 girls and i tried to breastfeed with my first one and she wouldnt latch on we kept trying but she just wasnt interested in eating even from the bottle and she was under 6lbs and her being my first i was nervous so we decided to just go with the bottles that way i knew she was eating. she is a perfectly healthy 4 year old now she hasnt been sick very much and is super smart so if the mom decides not to breast feed the baby will still be ok and really it is a personal choice you should not try to force her. Maybe you should ask her why she doesnt want to . if its just she doesnt feel comfortable doing it in public she could pump and use a bottle. Just because you breastfeed doesnt mean you will have a healthier baby or one that cries less.  

  7. Yes it is better, but it is up to the mother to what she chooses, breast or formula.  Some women arent able to breast feed and they dont have a choice and have to formula feed.

  8. it is waay better than formula... and as a plus you save on formula... in my health class last semester they told us that if you breast feed like the first day the baby is born there is something in it that gives the baby all of the antibodies that the mother has.... dont remember exactly but im sure if u look it up you can find something on it.. she should reconsider  

  9. So then my question is...WHY doesn't she want to breastfeed? Is it because she doesn't want her b*****s to sag ( that is any more than pregnancy is already doing to her) or is it that she just doesn't feel comfortable with something taking nutrients from her b*****s? Or is it that she just doesn't want to have a greedy little beast attatched to her b***s all day (if that's the case, she'll get rid of you too!! lol)

    Breastfeeding is best for the baby..easier to digest, easier to heat up (pop out of bra and TADA it's ready) all around easier.

    If your fiancee doesn't want to breastfeed for one of the above reasons, maybe she'll concede to pumping and then bottle feeding...that way the baby will get the breast milk, but she won't have to pop out a boob all day long..

    I've heard that breastfed babies have less allergies, and are healthier (actually turned out to be the opposite in my family and my husband's-he was breastfed, I was formula fed and I'm way healthier and have no allergies, whereas he is allergic to I can only assume that our case is a weird one) maybe you can convince her that it's better for the baby if they're breastfed.

    If she's insistant on formula, try to convince her to breastfeed for the first few days, so the baby can get the colustrum (the special milk that has all of her antibodies, that will help the baby stay healthy)

    Also, I heard that breastfeeding has increased something like 75% (or more?) since the 1980's. And that Washington and Oregon state have the highest percentage of breastfeeding mothers in the USA..kindof neat little bit of trivia :)

  10. yes! they say by studies that breastfeeding also makes babies smarter!

  11. Breast milk is a lot better than formula. But breastfeeding isn't for everyone, nor does it work for everyone even if they wanted to do it. I'm very glad that I was able to do it, though. It really is a great bonding experience for mom and baby.

  12. Yes, breastfeeding is always best!  You should have her take a breastfeeding class at the local hospital....most hospitals have classes that are free or cheap and are very informative and she can make the best decision.  Maybe she is scared to breastfeed, and just needs to discuss it with knowledgeable people.  

  13. Yes 100% better than formula. Please encourage her to breastfeed over formula feeding!

  14. Breastfeeding IS better. It's not easy at first, but if you stick it out it gets so much better. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  15. Very much better, for her and the baby...tell her that breast feeding helps you to shed the baby weight so much your body "makes" milk, it metabolizes faster and you loose weight faster and easier!  Plus its SO MUCH HEALTHIER than formula which is terrible for you baby, gives it stinky diarrhea and allows the baby to consume BAD STUFF...spit up more, also when breast feeding, the mommy gives the babies antibodies to help prevent the baby from getting SICK!


  16. Why would a person think breastfeeding is bad?  

    You need a .. ...  not that I should say.  But any woman who thinks they should not breastfeed should not be having kids.  

    Sounds like she is probably just embarrassed.  Society can be so twisted about human reality.  

    Find a local chapter of La Leche League. Its a group of women who teach and help with breast feeding.  

  17. it is best , thats why b***s are there after all, but its ok not to also. so dont pressure her if she doesnt want to. breastfeeding can be alot of work and difficult for some women. tell her you would like her to think about giving it a try, but support her either way. i have raised 3 boys on formula and they are just fine..big strong, bright, healthy boys

  18. Breast milk is the best thing for a baby, although formula is very good as well breast milk is better.  It has everything the baby needs and doesn't cost a cent where formula can be quite expensive.  It also provides a very close bond between the baby and mother, if she is able to breast feed it is definitely better in more ways than one.


    also breast feeding aids in weightloss after the baby is born, and helps your uterus shrink to normal size faster.  Since your body needs to produce the milk, it burns a lot of calories which is another plus to breast feeding.

  19. Breast feeding is best, but I wouldn't push your fiancee to nurse if she doesn't want to.

    Plenty of healthy babies out there are formula fed though.

  20. Yes Breast is Best :)  .. Plus its free.. How can u go wrong on that one? Tell her too at least try it, if she doesnt want too do it then she can put the baby on the bottle. Its also her choice. So just support in whatever one she makes.


  21. I formula feed, but whenever possible, breastfeeding is definitely better. encourage her to at least try and be very supportive!

  22. Breast is best for mom and baby yes but not always something that can be done and for some woman they just don't feel comfortable enough about doing it and that isn't a big deal.  Formula is still ok for a baby and many children grow up healthy and happy on formula.  Don't push it, it has to be her decision.  

  23. Yes it is better for many reasons. Whatever you do NOT mention that it helps you lose weight reality it really doesn't for a lot of people because you have to eat extra calories to produce it. Anyway, you can get a list of benefits on line on pro- bfing sites to show her but you really can pressure her because she may have her reasons to consider...going back to work it can be difficult, it is VERY demanding for the mother as far as time and sacrificing free time. She may not be comfortable, she may fear her b*****s will sag...they won't really...mainly because of drastic weight again then weight loss and aging not from breastfeeding. So many reasons people don't want to that you have to understand. I have nursed two children and there is no other way for me though it can be a struggle at first and other times. Encourage her to at least find out information and TRY it out.

    She doesn't' have to feed in public...many ways...use dressing rooms, sit in your car in between errands and things, that's what i do, have someone else feed with a bottle of pumped milk, use another private room at family things, etc

  24. Yes, it's better by far.  

    Have her read

  25. Absolutely and of course, breast feeding has been proven more and more to be much better than formula.  WIll formula babies be okay and make it?  Sure, but there are so, so many pros to breastfeeding.  That being said, here comes the big BUT...

    ..but breast feeding can be very very painful at first and young first-time morms are very worried about losing their figure or their b*****s being stretched, or whatever the case may be.  THis hhas also been found to be  a fallicy, it is actually pregnancy that stretches them, but so be it, moms are scared, and it's not all as easy as everyone makes it seem.  So, I'm saying, encourage, but don't force it on her.

    And then always realize that some people just can't.  I'lve learned not to judge when I found out someone had had breast cancer and therefore didn't breastfeed.  You never know if something else is going on.

    Good luck, I hope you work things through, just try to be very petient with her, and ask her to at least let the baby get the colostrum while she is in the hospital, it would do so much good and then she could always stop whenever... she might change her mind if you have a good latcher -on!  

  26. It's the natural way to feed a baby ....

             Some women can't breast feed ... but those who can seem to make a special bond with the baby during that time .

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