
Is Brett Farve playing tonight in the Jets preaseason game?

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Is Brett Farve playing tonight in the Jets preaseason game?




  1. I couldn't imagine he would actually play tonight; he hasn't had the opportunity to practice/scrimmage with the team.

  2. yes

  3. i doubt he, unless he really has learned their offense that quickly

  4. I bet he will probably play a little.

  5. hahahahah. definetly. he just got traded to a new team, he has not practiced, or shown up to training camp at all or anything yet. there is no way in h**l he knows the system and the plays by now. and he hasnt even met any of his new teammates yet. he will be on the sideline wearing a hoodie and cargo short like he always does. sorry i couldnt really tell if you were using sarcasm or not.

  6. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!NO!!

  7. probably not.

  8. probably not, he's an old man now so they will probably save him for the regular season and use the pre-season to decide between kellen clemens and chad pennington. plus th deal just went through.  

  9. i doubt it, i don't even think he has been to a practice yet, he doesn't know their plays he has been there for about like 12 hours, really he can't play  

  10. Nope. Jets website and ESPN reported he will not be playing

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