
Is Brett Gardner the answer for the yankees in centerfield?

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I like him. He plays with alot of spirit. And he gives the yankees great speed!

Some more training, and I think he will turn into his favorite player; Johnny Damon!




  1. remember that damon was the answer when bernie was getting old then melky when damon couldn't cover as much grown now garner because melky is not hitting i thin they should bring back bernie  

  2. Just like Melky was.

    Nady, Abreu, Damon and Matsui (who will be back soon).  Where will Gardner be?

  3. Yes, I do think that he has done a lot for the Yankees, considering he is a rookie.  He is the reason the Yankees have won a few games and he has great speed.

    But I am upset that Melky was sent down to AAA.  I liked him a lot for sentimental reasons.  Brett may be good, but I'd rather have both Melky and him on the Yankees.  Seeing someone else in centerfield and Melky not even part of the team just makes me sad.

    Hopefully he'll be back soon and they'll both be part of the team.  And I know I'm gonna get a lot of thumbs down, because everyone thinks Melky sucks.

  4. Brett actually played better than Melky in spring training.

    Melky seems so lackadaisical. Gardner shows passion. I'd say he'll be with the team in '09.

  5. I'm not calling him a long-term solution. But he's better than Melky at this point. More speed and he's making contact more often, so that's good.

    I usually like for outfielders to have a little more pop. But I'm happy Gardner is getting a chance. I'm impressed with Justin Christian's speed, too. But he's got to to work on his hitting.  

  6. If, as Gardner shelf rather than Melky

  7. Yes, he's a great young speedy player who has a cannon, i think he'll stay because the yankees don't need to be depending on 35 year old outfielders.

  8. with some more seasoning its likely. Hes already a fan favorite.

  9. Well, he is for now.

    But can we please hold off on calling every new player "the answer"? Everyday there is a new answer, and then that answer fails, and then we find a new one. It's a cycle.

    Let's calm down and accept Gardner for now. He could turn into an amazing player. I'm pulling for him.

    But just as many people said, "I like Melky. He plays with a lot of spirit. And he gives the Yankees great speed!" For a while he was the answer.

    And now it's Gardner's turn.

  10. I think he is better than Damon. Damon has a weak arm he wouldnt be able to throw a ball from center home and get the person out with the ball reaching the plate

  11. First of all NO! "The answer" would be a starting pitcher walk through the door and be a shut down pitcher. That is what the yankees need, they need that more than hitting, they have big bats. Hes a great player dont get me wrong, but everyone said the same thing about Melky, and before that they thought Damon was the answer, in all reality i would take Bernie Williams over any of them. Im a huge yanks fan but they need to slow down on bringing guys up, look at shelly duncan he could have been a monster, brought him up and look at him now. Melky same thing, he had a great year and then all of a sudden a down year and he gets blamed. This yankee team needs to step up and the stars A-rod and Jeter really need to make sure that the team realizes what uniform they put on, and just because they are the yanks does not mean they are an automatic for the playoffs, for the first time in my life i can honestly say that this year the yankees have shown no heart what so ever, they all seem to be pretty chill about where they are in the standing and hiding behind "we are still in range".  

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