
Is Bristol Palin Baby Trig's Real Mother?

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  1. Get a clue you twit.

  2. This is probably not true.

    And by "Probably" I mean I'd give it a one in a hundred chance, maybe.

    Some of the facts given in the Daily Kos and on the video you post are simply wrong (the picture of the family from 2006, for example), while others are speculation.

    And if you're considering such an improbable story, you need more concrete evidence.

  3. You Libs must be scared s**+***** to have to stoop to this extent.  

  4. Typical Obummer sheep trying to stir up some ****. Get a life if you can find one down there.

  5. Who cares????? Is Obama a radical racist with the fakest creepiest wife ever??

  6. what the dems won't do to smear someone.  

  7. This rumnor was already debunked. It was started on DailyKos by far left liberal NUTS--as I has already been debunked.

  8. YES

  9. Do you want to stoop that low.  Do you want the Obama kids scrutinized now.

  10. If you watch that video carefully, when he shows the picture of a bulging Bristol Palin, it clearly says "circa 2006"...the picture is from 2006!! even if bristol was in her first month of pregnancy, which wouldn't show anyway, the baby would have had to gestate for about 19 months!!!!! LOL!!! YOU GOOBER!!

  11. Sarah and Todd Palin are Trig's parents.

    End of story.

  12. I guess we can attack Obama's kids now?

  13. It certainly seems plausible.  Based on the evidence, I'd say yes.  But it ought to be easy to get to the bottom of it.  Someone delivered that baby, and someone tended to the supposedly ill Bristol, who was out of school a remarkably long time for mono.  If the doctors stick to a theoretical cover story, there are probably third parties who know.  No one knows for sure.

  14. Is Obama really wearing black face.  Hee!

  15. No thanks.

    Didn't take you long to dig in the muck , did it?

    You obama supporters must really be scared.

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