
Is Bristol Palin Living Proof......?

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Is Bristol Palin living proof that mommy's lesson on abstinence didn't work?

Would she and her "child to be", be better off to have followed Hillary's lesson about contraception? If she did, do you think she might've had a shot at an Ivy League school and a Wall Street job? Could she have followed in the footsteps of Chelsey if Sarah would've put her on the pill?




  1. With an avatar like yours ... let me ask you have you  practiced the abstinence in your life time or are you like all  the horny males out there that its ok for you but not anyone else? Do not tell me you are a virgin *LMAO*... Seems to me one must practice what they preach!

  2. No.  You have no proof that she followed the abstinence method.

    All forms of contraception can fail.

  3. Conservative family values - you just can't make this kind of **** up!

  4. Yep, she is. It is scary how all the reps yelling thats its ok to get pregnant in your teens.  

  5. You'd think so, having a mother who's public profile reads and s*x education beliefs are like Carrie White's mothers.

  6. I theorize that Bristol's Planned Parenthood-issued condom broke:

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