
Is Brit sport sanctions against Mugabe is hypocritical? They loathed to do it against Apartheid South Africa?

by Guest65142  |  earlier

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Sanctions against a nation of any sort is always controversial because whlist it is directed against dictatorships, it hurts the civilian population.

When the masses of South Africa were demanding Sanctions against South Africa during Apartheid, the British goverment was slow to agree to this. Their argument was that it would hurt the people it was directed to help the most although the masses who supported the freedom struggle welcomed sanctions because financial prosperity meant little to them as they did not benefit to it as much as the apartheid regieme did.

The Brits were very quick to impose sanctions against Mugabe. Have they learnt from how wrong they were to react with sanctions against apartheid South Africa so slowly or are they simply hypocritcal in moving so fast with sports sanctions against Zim because now the dictator is Black.

Moreover, the Brits were especially slow with sports sanctions against South Africa and now have moved in this area very quickly.




  1. It might very well be possible to accuse britain this way.

    However, this does not absolve Mugabe.

  2. I was under the impression that the UK has not imposed any sports sanctions.

    I know that the cricket sanctions did not happen despite newspapers calling for them. The Zimbabwe cricket board withdrew by them selves. So which sports sanctions are you referring to?

  3. Given that sanctions were imposed on South Africa during the apartheid years, then it could be said to be even more hypocritical not to impose sanctions against Zimbabwe for Mugabe's murderous reign of terror. Race hatred is race hatred, whether it be white on black or black on white, and can not be tolerated. Mugabe doesn't seem to understand that basic truth in the same way that Nelson Mandela does. Two wrongs do not make a right, the measure of a man is when he stands and says enough, too much wrong has been done, now we must do right.

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