
Is Britain's monarchy extinct?

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My opinion is we still need it for tourism, but i'd like to know everyone else's opinion.




  1. They're still alive as far as I know...but yeah they do bring in the dough for us with attracting americans, etc, who wanna see the queen, palaces n so on. But to be fair, France still get a lot of visitors who go to versailles, even though they don't have a monarchy. We may even get a one time tourism boost, if we get rid of them and open the palaces to the public.

  2. I don't think they are extinct.  They still seem to generate a lot of interest and (in the Queen's case anyway) respect.

    I wouldn't say we need them for tourism, lack of a monarchy does not seem to have harmed tourism in France, Germay, Switzerland, Italy and Greece for instance, but I would feel a bit sad if they went.  Another bit of history vanished.

  3. The Queen is a fantastic ambassador for our country. I think she made something like 500 official appearances last year, so I would say its going strong

  4. If you listen to interviews with British Prime Minister after they leave office - that includes Thatcher who was never a monarchist - they all say HM is a fantastic resource. She knows everybody, she can read situations, she understands foreign politics and she can advise how others have handled such situations. All her former PMs comment on how great it it to have someone you can trust absolutely to bounce ideas off. There's no fear she will sell them out to the tabloids.

  5. nope she has a son who has two sons

  6. As it still exists it can't be said to be extinct.

    You may think that it will not last much longer but that does not mean it is extinct.

  7. The British Monarchy will survive while there are still dachsies dargis and other dachshund descendants living with them! They are blessed by the presence of dachshunds!

  8. The Queen may not have much power, but I think the UK would be a mess without her. I am an American, and I live in the US, but I think royalty is really cool. You not only need the royals for tourism, you need them as ambassadors. One good thing about having a royal family rather than elected or appointed ambassadors, is that these people have been raised and trained for their jobs.

  9. They'll always be around, but as time goes on they'll just be celebrity faces and not have any say about the country

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