
Is Britain a broken society?

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David Cameron (who I didn't used to like) says so. But Boris Johnson (who I did like) said that it is "piffle". It's certainly changed my opinions about the two. How can anyone disagree that this is a broken society?




  1. Yeah, with cracked pots ruling what do you expect?

  2. I did spend a short time studying there and befriended some really great people. My overall impression was of a once great nation whose "time" had come and gone, and who were now in noble decay. Many of the "best of the British" live elsewhere (the US for example) or Australia (where they can complain) and Europe. Its sad to hear British people complain about the "foreigners" who come to "spoil" their country. The last time I looked, it was the foreigners who were running it! And the people who could control immigration are the Brits themselves. A few bad eggs from the third world could hardly bring down a nation. Surely not.

    If it is broken, then it took a long time to break. And it came from the top and not from some immigrants little scam.

  3. If you compare the average person's life now with  that of someone who lived 100 years ago I think we come out on top by some considerable margin. Our expectations are very high in contemporary society and because we now have almost universal access to media AND because bad news sells, our perception of society is negative. David Cameron is saying negative things because that is the job of the party in opposition, Boris Johnson is the walking embodiment of "piffle".

  4. We don't want to admit it, but it is dysfuntional and anomic. We hate authority even when it is right, we do not respect anything, we glorify violence and yobishness, we puke on all that's good. All the signs of a crippled and broken society.

  5. Of course it is. You have to be a little older than average too be able to put our national condition into perspective, however. This Government is responsible for about 90% of it.

  6. Broken?  If only, I fear UK has been anhilated beyond all repair and I fear for the future.  

  7. I would have said it's Breaking Up.

    Literally, as Wales & Scotland having been subsidised by the South of England for a decade, now want separate rules; be it free prescriptions, free hospital car-parks or differing laws & sentencing powers.

    So We are far from a United Kingdom.

    Prisons that are now over-crowded does not help & the governments answer to the mess, is to stop locking criminals up has had an OBVIOUS knock-on effect on society in general, the line between right & wrong is blurring.

    When 2 thugs that attack 1 middle-aged woman, for daring to ask them to smoke elsewhere & instead of everyone in unison being outraged, shocked, baying for them to be punished some strange individuals even have the nerve to back the thugs!

    So I say it's Breaking down.

    Society is descending into chaos as the justice system can't cope & has started to fail;

    post B'liars re-structuring of police forces & the crumbling court buildings.

    Instead of spending tax-payers money on the up-keep of Justice, building more prisons

    ( our population grew but prisons spaces did not )

    B'liar backed a war or 2 instead & as we all know WAR costs lots of money.

    Some of the news I've read lately makes me wonder if their is any hope left for the UK.

    The fact that 2 politicians can't agree doesn't surprise me at all!

  8. It's not only Britain but the whole of Europe too... becoming more and more like the USA.

  9. it is nothing that can not be fixed.

  10. No.

    There are aspects that need serious improvement but "broken society" is an over  dramatic politically point scoring soundbite cynically used by David "smarmy sneaky Thatcherite - just you wait and see how the poor will suffer when I´m voted in" Cameron.

  11. They're both old Etonian tory twits talking through their trousers.

  12. How do you mean broken that's very pessimistic , that implies it needs to be fixed I'm a member of Britain's society and I dont feel the need to be fixed certainly not by a load of jobsworths. I'm proud to be a British Female and I disagree that this is a broken society

  13. The only way to fix it is to put a brake on immigration and to take no notice of European tin pot dictators !

  14. It is a broken society, look around!

  15. There a lot of ruffians parading the streets of Britain harassing anyone and everyone. Some come in the guise as homeless or teenage children. Some of them are just plain rude and have no respect for society or anybody in it. It just goes to show that some people have a lack of education which in turn breeds ignorance and disrespect for others in the world. We have to put a stamp on it now before we have a load of louts running across the UK wrecking havoc on those of us who just want a peaceful life. It isn't always the young people, I've come across some very rude older people as well. There is no excuse for rudeness or ignorance from anyone in this world. You treat people as you yourself would like to be treated. Nobody's perfect but there's drawing the line and there's drawing the line.

  16. i wouldn't say broken...i'd say most societies today..

  17. A question was asked later about Mrs Thatcher and quite a few said that she was the worst prime minister ever and yet the same people here are agreeing with the question. They can't have it both ways. We need someone like her to take on the thugs of today as she did with the over powerful trade unions of that time. She managed to beat them so these thugs should be a pushover.

  18. its out of control, you hav the imigration flood doors wide open so pratically anyone can get in, youths are out of control now a days (no respect for law, people or society in general) and the cost of living going up is just the cherry on the cake

  19. Britain is no more a broken society than  any other nation in the world. We should be thankful that we have the things that we have.

    1. National Health Service at least we are not loosing our homes to pay for cancer treatments or surgery.

    2. A well balanced social system which helps people when they need help.

    3. Council housing for those in the most need.

    4. We are not a gun culture like the USA at least we do not have drive by shooting daily or random killings on the streets due to gun crime (well not like the USA)

    5. There are no school killings like there are in some other countries i.e. the USA.

    6. Well balanced education system.

    7. Free education for people in need

    8. Tax credits, child credits, and more.

    One thing that I think we need in the UK is Kids Jails/Prisons for kids who do bad things then maybe they will actually start behaving like normal law abiding citizens that they should be!

    What more can you say about this country yes it has it's problems but it's not as bad as some others. We are a nation of very strong people who should be proud of where we live instead all I hear is this place is a dump and I am sick of that! Why not be proud to be British instead?

  20. David Cameron came to my neck of the woods the week before last.This national tour is called ' Cameron Direct' * guffaw*

    When asked why he was going to reintroduce Fox Hunting IF he gets elected in he said

    " we need to respect peoples rights to take part in something that has gone on for centuries "

    So when he says society is broken he means ' vote for me and I'll restore things back to how they were the last time we were in power '

    What a class A twonk. Him and his assistant flaxen gnome.

  21. Yes,Thatcher cracked it and now Brown has finished it off.I feel like a foreigner in my own country.  

  22. Tell me which society that isn't broken nowadays

    The world isn't progressing we are just heading into something that is not good

  23. Liam

    It is like the curate's egg  - good in parts.

    If I lived in Beaconsfield I might be tempted to say that life is grand

    If I lived on the Stonebridge estatei n Brent well, I might not.

    It is in the eye of the beholder.

  24. we are a people who have just stood by while our country has been given away to an unaccountable n**i style federation and done nothing!! we are a people who are told that to criticise ridiculous levels of immigration is racist, and we have accepted it. if our society is broken its because we are too gutless to stand up and do!! some thing about it.

  25. Broken is a bit like fragmented, that is what multiculturism is a fragmented society.

  26. You got my vote.

  27. Who the h**l is David Cameron? Is he that twit who heads up a defunct political party called the Conservatives? In which case I don't really care what he thinks because sure as h**l he has no workable solutions to any of the so-called problems he identifies.

    Still, at least he's nicely groomed with not a hair out of place. That's obviously more important to most people who can't see the obvious.

  28. i dont think its broken...yet.

    there does seem to be more anti-social people around, who simply think of nobody but thmselves.

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