
Is Britain a devisive country?

by Guest34129  |  earlier

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if anyone would care to answer, in their own words,why you think it is and how this affects you as a British person.




  1. People always argue.Yes but I still love it.

  2. It doesn't matter what colour, creed, origin, age, s*x or any other distinguishing feature that people may have. There is a massive gulf between one part of our population and another part and it is getting wider by the day. It's the haves and the have-nots. Not just here, everywhere. I would not mind betting that it was the same when there were only a million people on Earth. An elite existed that had control over the goodies, a piece of flint, perhaps, for fire, something - anything! After all, we're only human, a millisecond out of the trees has given us delusions of grandeur but we are just a naked ape.

  3. I am not a Brit, but from my experience the country has probably been less divisive than most. People always argue and don't agree on alot of things regardless where they live. The history of Britain though in many ways has been a uniting factor in the world with the empire commerce throughout the world. The English language as it has been very commonly accepted still plays an important part in the unity of communication throughout the world. Yes, from my perspective Britain has its ups and downs as far as fairness and unfairness, but in general I don't think the governments or the people of Great Britain have been any worse than others in the world and may rate a bit better. So If I was born a Brit I don't think I would have undue reason to feel too bad about the country, its history, or attempts to cope in the world.

  4. It is a divided country, and moving towards greater division because of the stupid policies of its government.  I can hardly think of a time when a government of this country has been so apt at carving everything up.

    It has carved up our integrated railway system; it has messed about with our schools, with constant changes, demands and inspections, etc., to perpex even the most dedicated of teachers, parents, and the poor pupils;  it has starved the armed forces of resources;  ditto the police, judiciary, nurses, local councils..

    One wonders where all the money is going?  Well, two possibilities - 1)  into GB's constantly-expanding portfolio of new policies and officialdom and 2)  into the EU, which is also, quietly, bleeding us dry, making that many laws that it's impossible to keep them all, and so we have to be fined...

    If you want to divide a country, attack its economy and that'll make people fight over their livelihoods, attack its history, so they'll forget who they are, what they stand for and how everything happened in the first place (ergo, confusion), and give them placebos like a ton of prescription pills, drugs, alcohol and free range of the nation's towns and cities at night, to destroy their bodies and their brain cells and go to an early grave.  Oh, and insist that they have an identity card, so you can keep tabs on them...

    Yes, it's divided, and, as you said, also divisive (that's the way you spell it), because the people that are doing these things are not doing them for our benefit.  No, it's for money and for ambition - the usual drivers of corruption - that they would sell out their own people.  There are a lot of divisive elements about, people who are totally unscrupulous and are being allowed to wreck havoc with our society for their own profit, both nationally and internationally.  Truly 'the love of money is the root of all evil'.

    How does this affect me as a British person?  Well, as a Christian, I keep myself separate from much of this, as far as I can, for I have no liking for the tastes nor the behaviour which is currently ruining our country.  However, since even in society we are very divided, to the extent that we generally don't have serious and deep conversations anymore, ditto friendships, ditto societal structures, nor even the ability to think up and ask the right questions, but instead everything is pre-chewed for us, very superficial and tending rather towards pub or TV culture - yes, I find this very difficult.  

    But I still love my country, and wish it were village communities again, where everybody knew everybody else, and people cared about (and talked to) one another.

    Thank God there's Yahoo Answers! After wading through all the wally Q&As, there are a few - a precious few - very interesting and stimulating people still around, who still care, and we can have Christian fellowship and learn from one another!

  5. No, it is not.

  6. I'm a yank, and from my humble opinion, the Brits are good people who intentionally would never create a society that is devided. They are too smart for that and have learned from past lessons. However if the influx of foreigners continue to dominate whole geographical areas, and these people, who are not culturally Brits but someone else will create these conditions. I guess my answer is no.

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