
Is Britain having an equally special relationship with the U.S as the U.S is having with Britain?

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Oswald... it's an open ended question. There's no need to start insulting me and most of those things you say we share, we don't. The 'words' may be the same, but the perceptions and actions are totally different.




  1. Well all i can say is ignoring all the morons that have nothing better to do than insult each other the intelligent people of both nations realise we have a lot in common and yes we do have a special relationship.

    And for sophie i have been on yahoo america and taken many American insults and also met nice polite helpful Americans it goes both ways

  2. Sure.

    Why not?

    The mystery of Mark and Luke.

    2. Timothy 4.11

    What do you think?

  3. Of course. Your question isn't exactly full of specifics, but the two have a very good two-way cooperative relationship in intelligence and military matters especially.

  4. What do you mean ? Isn't it a fact that we speak the same Language ,dress in the same fashion, share a common religious view,have the same people who are our enemies ,and share a heritage? Haven't you noticed ?

  5. A "special relationship" that is one way and involves the UK capitulating to the US more often than not.

    Extradition Act 2003 anyone? The Nat West 3!

    British citizens can be extradited to the US with no evidence whatsoever being put before a British court. Can US citizens be extradited the the UK on an equal basis? Not a chance!

    We have been subjugated to the USA's ***** and our politicians are eager to lie down and roll over the first chance they get.

    All that is required are just amiable (and equal) international relations, nothing "special".

  6. no

  7. The United States does not have an equal relationship with any country, there are countries like Britain who are seen as useful & friendly, and countries which are not useful & friendly, countries that are useful & friendly get "special status" and countries that are not useful & friendly get nothing

  8. I think soo because we helped the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. but the reason they could not help us in the Falklands conflict was because they have a treaty with the rest of America saying that no country can attack another.  So technically they owe us.

  9. Yes.

    The U.S. needs a stable and powerful voice in Europe to express it's interests to the continental Europeans, and also a well respected Power.

    The U.K. isn't the world power it once was, and needs the military, economic, and political super power of the U.S. to advance it's interests, security, and standing on the world stage.

    It also doesn't hurt that they're one of each other's biggest markets.

  10. No - they have been treating us like **** for decades.

    Even the European Union is preferable to being dominated by America.

  11. The Brits 'especially' like to insult us, yes.

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