
Is Britain simply not in the Schengen treaty because they're institutional racists?

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I think this is very much the case... because the Schengen treaty applies in all of Europe except the Vatican...




  1. Its because we are better than all you Euro peasants.

  2. How many pakistanis do see on the

    'vias' of the vatican ?

    ZERO,why ?,because the pope does

    not believe in religious integration,

    i am no papist rogue,but on this

    i agree.

  3. The treaty does not apply in all of Europe at all, moron, and there is a big difference between people just driving backwards and forwards across a land board when they live close by than there is people flying or taking ferries into and out of the UK, now drink your milk and get your mum to change your Nappy

  4. No, not at all.  They simply don't like the terms of the treaty.  That hardly makes them racists.

  5. and where are the british and irish boarders you idiot other than the sea? we aren't connected to the mainland, our ports and airports are no different from the rest of the eu

    The main purpose of the establishment of the Schengen rules is the abolition of physical borders among European countries

    well done ding dong - hey that sounds good

    yes - and it's also not in the eu

  6. The simple idea of an EU without internal borders sounds wonderful, and it was so perceived when the Schengen Agreement was implemented.  Ease and convenience of movement within its borders, was then seen as an asset in the development of the EU.

    Undoubtedly, there have been benefits- but there have also been some obvious problems- particularly relating to who was travelling within EU borders.  If the original benefits have been realised with regard to legitimate travel, the downside has also been exposed.

    Especially, that relates to the control of illegal immigration.  Once within the EU, just how do you control the movement of people who have no right to be there, having entered EU borders illegally?

    The UK did not sign up to the Schengen Agreement, and should by rights therefore, have had no problems with the entry of illegal immigrants.  Yet because of the existence of that agreement elsewhere within the EU, it has found it very difficult to control the inflow of illegal immigrants- particularly through France, the Netherlands and Belgium.

    The indigenous population currently regard this recent unsolicited influx of illegal immigrants as a catastrophe- a crime against the people!  And so it is, and at some time in the future, it will be so held as a serious failure of government by the Labour party, since it happened on their watch.

    To suggest that the UK did not sign up to the Schengen Agreement because of institutional racism is bizarre.  There is nothing racist about maintaining the integrity of borders- after all, whose borders are they?  To suggest otherwise is quite simply crass in the extreme!

  7. Oh yes. We are all racists over here. Try finding an African, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Somalian, Polish, Romanian, Ukranian or Egyptian in Great Britain. You won't see a single one because of our institutionalised racism.

    Grow up you pathetic teenager.

  8. It's a truism. If you don't like a contract don't sign it. If you don't like a treaty don't sign it.  This does not imply racism but other difficulties in border control so read up on it laddie/lass

  9. i don't feel the English government are racist far from it. They really could do with looking after there own people a bit more than putting other races & faiths first like they are doing at present ----------> :)

  10. i think you need to open your eyes


  11. Why would not having an open border make them racists ?In the world today having open borders is a wonderfil  "idea" just not very practical .I would say it was a very intelligent  decision .National security should be top priority .

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