
Is Burger King encouraging irresponsible owners?

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Have you seen the Burger King new add? A man and his dog are having a conversation in front of a burger add.......and the conversation ends with the owner saying to his dog something like: ''Remember it's thanks to me you have not been neutered''...

Shouldn't SPCA get involved in this?




  1. Hi Jane ~ (do you love a mystery, too?)

    Yes, this ad is supposedly "fun and funny"  (probably intended) to be lighthearted. Just a cute little something to make "us" smile.

    It is possible that many people will perceive this as just that, while many others will see the ad is (1) a recommendation (2) validation and (3) irresponsible!

    Many of us who are concerned animal lovers will fall into the #3 category. I agree that it is another example of someone "dropping the BALL" when it comes to responsible advertising.

    If it is as offensive to you as it will be to many others who work to save the hundreds of thousands of unwanted dogs that are put to sleep because of the very thing the ad is "mentioning",(not spaying or neutering animals) then contacting the proper people is a great idea.

    Wishing us all the energy to get up and do something to help our four legged friends. :)

  2. Not they shouldn't and neither should PETA. If all it takes is a burger king ad to convince someone to do or not do something there are bigger problems here than whatever the ad is supposed to be supporting.

  3. i agree with the 1st person, if you don't wanna get your dog fixed, then you don't have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. NO, why are people soooo politically correct anymore?  A responsible dog owner will neuter and an irresponsible one won't no matter what you say or do or what they see on tv.  It's HUMOR people, just humor!

  5. There's nothing legally that can be done about it unless you get enough people to complain about it (hence the Verizon LG Dare Pit Bull commercial being pulled from the air).  But yeah, it's come at an awful time and it wasn't done in great taste.  Write a letter to BK public relations if you can.

    I haven't personally seen this commercial yet.  I'll be on the lookout.

  6. haven't seen the ad but why would the spca get involved.  it isn't a law you have to get your pet neutered.  just a stupid ad.

  7. what the hel*?


    somthin iz wronge with burger king then

    thats horribl

  8. Only idiots will take it seriously, yet only idiots would believe that intact dog = intact dignity.  Dogs are not humans, that's the most common reason why people don't neuter.

  9. No, that's ridiculous if you don't want to get your dog neutered then you don't have to get him neutered.

  10. no, its a joke, an ad for laughs, lighten up!

  11. thank you for the heads up.  i will write to PETA and SPCA to have BK pull the commercial.  cannot believe that in 2008 we are still grappling w/irresponsibe pet-caretakers! why not adopt when there are millions on death row?

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