
Is Bush's decision to stay in Iraq bad?

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When we pulled out of Vietnam, hundreds of thousands of innocent people were murdered. It's history, people. If we pull out of Iraq, the terrorists will regroup, and bomb the h**l out of us, murdering their own people.

McCain for President!




  1. Seeing as how we are now kicking butt in Iraq, I would say he is making the right decision. I agree with the rest of what you said. Premature pull-out could plunge the whole region into chaos, and we will loose most of what we have gained. If we can stick to it for a while, Iraq will emerge as a peaceful democracy in the Middle East.

    Thank you for serving! I admire people who go out and fight for this country.

  2. I agree with the first person, McCocain too

  3. No, I think Bush should stay in Iraq. Preferably alone and unarmed.


  5. Bad for us and the Iraqis

    Good for the oil companies trying to steal the oil

    Good for Halliburton who is making a profit off war

  6. Jeffery is absolutely right.

    Are you suggesting that the US occupy Iraq indefinitely?  How many bodybags filled with American youth are you willing to allow?  How many Iraqi's, of all ages, need to be killed or maimed?  When do you say 'enough'?

    Eventually, the US will have to leave Iraq: only an American would call it 'cutting and running'.  To the rest of the world it's called  'cutting your losses'.  If you can't learn from the nightmare of the Vietnam War, then at least think of a casino.

  7. And let's see, how many people died during the ten-plus years the US was involved in Vietnam?  Estimates vary, since accurate records were not kept, but usually the number is put at around two million, and most of those were innocent people, also.  That's history, too.

    And while it may be true that lots of people were killed in the immediate aftermath of the war, don't you think the Vietnamese people are better off now than if the US had stayed there another ten or twenty years, fighting an endless, unwinnable war?

    When -- not if -- the US pulls out of Iraq, there will indeed be violence, as the various factions struggle for control.  But the longer the US stays there the worse it will be.  The US is currently paying, and arming, the various militias, to whose control much of the country, including Baghdad, has been ceded.  The US is also busy building high concrete walls between various Baghdad neighborhoods, which used to be integrated between Sunnis and Shias and are now almost exclusively segregated, both by choice and by ethnic cleansing.

    And the terrorists will not "regroup."  The terrorists are in Iraq BECAUSE the US invaded and created the chaotic situation in which such groups thrive.  Most of the terrorists are foreigners, and the Iraqis don't want them there any more than the Americans do.

    By the way, what exactly is it that's preventing the terrorists from "bombing the h**l out of [the US]" now?  And how would bombing the US bring about the murder of "their own people?"  Whose people?  As I said, most of the terrorists are non-Iraqis, or are you making the mistake of confusing insurgents with terrorists?

    I find it amazing that, in a mere three sentences, you could imply so much, leave so many unanswered questions, and be so wrong.

  8. That  makes no sense.

  9. Yup. And WE'RE the Ones Paying for it! Obama -for Two Terms!  :)

  10. i agree with the first person. :] they will probably bomb us if the troops are deported out of the country.

  11. very bad.

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