
Is Bush going to look like an impotent, empty suit, barking at Russia and then doing nothing?

by Guest34190  |  earlier

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He will NOT come to the assistance of Georgia, so Putin can just laugh at him and make him look like a fool.




  1. Bush doesn't have much time left. I don't think he'll do much anything of importance simply because he's almost out of time.

  2. This can actually make him  prettier especially if he sends 20 tomahawk missile to wipe the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. And some predator drowns inside Moscow and then Position 3 battle group in the Barentsz sea then 6 stealth bomber deep inside Russia.

    Don't worry about the Russian nuke they don't know where they are anyway.

  3. yes

  4. YES! just like he did after 9-11

  5. He may just surprise us.  He is a Texan.

  6. He's ALWAYS been an empty suit.

    To be honest, the American people could vote in a can of tuna fish into office next time and it wouldn't do as bad a job as Dubya did...

  7. Make him look like one? He didn't look like a fool when he couldn't and still cant pronounce the word "Nuclear", He didn't look like a fool when he kept on putting troops in Iraq, He didn't look like a fool when he hasn't done anything in Darfur, He didn't look like a fool when over 3000 troops have died since we invaded, he didn't look like a fool when he has done nearly **** all about Hurricane Katrina, He didn't look like a fool when since we invaded the middle east and over 600000 people over there have died. LOL So yea he looked like a fool years ago.

  8. Doesnt he always? Him just giving assitance to Georgia will just make things worse.Doesnt this country have enough problems with Iraq/Afghanistan wars, the economy, and incompetent  


  9. Bush is wack. And no body likes him.

  10. What do you mean, "going to?"  He's been an impotent, empty suit the day he illegally became President.  What a joke, telling Russia they must stop their aggression and negotiate. BTW, you need to get the REAL facts before you come to any conclusions about the Russian/Georgian conflict. See

  11. D-I-P-L-O-M-A-C-Y. do you sadistic warmongering f***s have no idea how to resolve a conflict other than to kill the other side. god this country is so fucked!

  12. Doesn't he already look like that?

    I mean hasn't Osama Bin Laden make him look like a toothless dog with a hair lip?

    That boy has always been an empty suit as far as I'm concerned, as empty as his wisdom and his heart. I have no respect for that politician, none what so ever!

  13. you bet ye.

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