
Is Bush going too far when he "lectures" Russia about Georgia?

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Isn't it a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Bush and his sycophants have issues a series of "warnings" to Russia over Georgia.

His latest pontification refers to the "territorial integrity" of Georgia. It's almost laughable. Has he forgotten how his government has "fixed" so many elections in South America (and other parts of the world)n and thereby compromised their "integrity"?

Time for Bush to butt out of his overblown "international community" rheotoric too? Russia is just as much a part of it as the US is.




  1. Yes. I was howling listening to Condoleeza Rice spouting some tripe about how we won't tolerate the Russians going into sovereign nations and messing with their affairs.

    The fact that such an intelligent woman either a) failed to spot the extreme irony; or b) just doesn't care is kind of frightening.

  2. Rio hit the nail on the head.

    Of course our sad excuse for a President A) Fails to see the irony in this and B) Well go after any country that will attack a U.S. supporter (we have few these days so we can't afford to loose more)

  3. If Bush does anything I am going to go to the white house and beat him with a stick! Let the real professionals handle it! I wanted Al Gore not him!

  4. This should be in the politics section. What the h**l does this have to do with gender studies?

  5. Really the Georgian thing threatens the security of all nations in the west.  Now is not a good time for bickering about how stupid Bushy is.  The oil pipeline that runs through that nation is critical for all of us.  If Russia holds it they will use it as a choker.

  6. I agree with you, Georgie boy went too far this time. However, it is not the first or the last time. Idiots are dangerous, because you never know what they will say or do next. However, someone had to say something about the Russians and their p****y in international politics. If you do a bit of a research, you will find out that oil prices have been controlled by Russians for a very long time now. You see, they have oil in Ural Mountains and Siberia. However, development of their oil is very expensive, because of the locations and uneven distribution. Now, situation is completely different in Middle East, and development of their oil is a lot easier and therefore cheaper. There is also a lot of it spread out in that region of the world. Now, to make sure that Russia is getting a piece of the oil pie, they have to keep its prices high, or no one would ever be buying oil from Russia. That is why creative and ruthless Russian government has been organizing all kinds of religious and social diversions among various nations of the world. Now, if you analyze economy of every country of the world in last 5 years or so and the affect the war in Iraq had on it, you will clearly see that only Russia benefited, and very well indeed. They implement a very long history of experiences and fool proof methods of invasion along with political and economical manipulation in the world (Afghanistan many years ago, Chechnya a few years back and now Georgia). And world should have something to say about their ruthless behavior. However, most people simply don't care and that is a shame. Because what Russians are doing is political terrorism, and if not stopped, they will try to conquer the world (just like Hitler tried to do so many years ago). It seems that Russian government has no respect for the international law of sovereignty, when they feel the urge to expand their territory. Does not that kind of attitude scare you?  Well, it should…

  7. The connection to Gender and Women's Studies is not at all obvious. (I know a lot of people visit only one category, and so just plop their questions into that category, but that's not how the site is supposed to be used.)

    Yes, listening to him pontificate about how wrong it is to attack another country without cause makes me scream obscenities at my TV.

    As did his chiding of China for its human rights record recently. A mass-murdering, torturing, raping, thieving, lying traitor to his country has no right to chide anyone for anything.

    And, yes, after screaming obscenities, I added "Pot ... kettle ...."

  8. He is an idiot. But the reasons for the Russian invasion are too complex for here.

    One of the main problems is that if the Russians are successful they will have a stranglehold on the oil and gas pipelines that cross Georgia - causing the oil markets to become unstable again and prices to rise.

    Also, did I mention he is an idiot?

    edit: No, he is an idiot. A calculating one maybe, but that doesnt make him smart.

    He is too block headed to realize that Russia does not give a rats backside about his opinion. Russia has no vested interest in the USA - it is far more interested in gaining European influence. Hence it is the French who attempted to broker a cease fire - leaving his administration flapping their wings and croaking about "invading sovreign nations and attempting to remove their leaders by force" and not even being able to appreciate the bitter, bitter irony of their words.

    The only reason he has not been removed yet is that the alternative in the case of a successful impeachment (d**k Cheney) would be far far worse

  9. Now would you be complaining (in the wrong section I might add) if Bush said absolutely nothing? Far more people would be up in arms if Bush made no comment... and he simply says "Russia shouldn't belong there" and you nag...

    What Russia is doing is completely unexpected... especially during the Olympics... this is a time for world unity! And Russia rolls tanks into its neighbors streets... you are sounding like you support this invasion?

    Some guy called Bush an idiot... you don't know Bush very well.

    Bush is far too calculated and cunning to be an idiot... could you become president under all of the scrutiny he's faced? No? Well then I shudder to think of what you are if he's an idiot.

  10. <sarcasm>Ah, but Georgia's president supports the U.S. That makes it different.</sarcasm>

  11. Just happy it stopped so military has been prepping for war with Russia for a while.  I was honestly afraid this would be it.  

  12. I would agree with you except for one thing. The Russians seem to have reversed course and are heading back to a Cold War mentality. I believe the US will get out of Iraq eventually. I'm not so sure about Russia getting out of Georgia.

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