
Is Bush still looking for Bin Laden???

by Guest63414  |  earlier

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Is Bush still looking for Bin Laden???




  1. h**l no...he doesnt care about what happen in 9/11...So he's not looking

  2. Yes,  We actually know which mountain range he is in. But it's far too difficult and dangerous to go in. We'll get him someday, and hang 'em high!

  3. Bin Ladden is dead killed at tora bora caves  GOV nows it as does Bush only the videos live on for use by the BUSHCO 7 as needed for their plans to such madness. chow foxy one yours DINO

  4.    I'm sure our servicemen are always

       looking out for him.  He's either dead

       or staying hid in some dark, dank,

       stinkin' cave. Remember, our troops

       found Saddam in a deep hole in the

       ground. Maybe it's best if we just leave

       bin Laden in a cave.


    Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes appeared on Fox this morning to discuss his recent meeting with President Bush in the Oval Office. The key takeaway for Barnes was that “bin Laden doesn’t fit with the administration’s strategy for combating terrorism.” Barnes said that Bush told him capturing bin Laden is “not a top priority use of American resources.”

  6. Bush is still looking for his brain.  He needs to check his rectal area.

  7. They just had lunch together last week. Rove was with them & Cheney that all were laughing so hard at the money they made from the Iraqi government & then getting paid from the bill they are sending to the USA taxpayers. They talked about what a great job Rush was doing & Fox news. They laughed at how many lies people were repeating that started & joked about their buddy John Mclame. He almost started something when he admitted they were going to start drafting people. They also had a serious discusion about future plans & where they would sent the military next. They talked about they will step on the American people like a bunch of ants. They discussed making them all into their toy soldiers. They had a great lunch & they get together often actually.

  8. Yes, he never stopped.

  9. No. Bush himself said it held no priority.

  10. i highly doubt it

  11. Was he ever, really?

    Or was it an excuse for war?

  12. Why h**l no. He never was. He is feathering his pockets cause he is dragging in money from the high price of gas.

  13. lol, they quit looking i think, cuz they think hes dead

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