
Is Bush trying to start WW III?

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Putting US troops in a hot war zone? If these troops are fired on or any are killed we have a crisis situation. What is he thinking?




  1. georgian people send for us georgian troops in iraq maybe its payback time?

  2. I think most of us KNEW he would do at LEAST one more idiotic thing before his term was over. We can't even clean up the mess we made of Iraq and now he's gonna spend more money that we don't have on this. It never ends and I pity the new president that has to clean up after him.  

  3. Start the draft.

  4. Yes. And the only way you can save yourself is to move to China. You will like it there.

  5. No, no war.  The sequence seems to have been:

    We advised Georgia not to provoke the Russians too hard.

    Georgians ignored our advice, went into S. Ossetia and were startled by the severity of the Russian response.

    Bush in public had to make tut tut noises to the Russians, but without any intent to follow them up.

    Russians now de-escalating.

    Bush promises to send humanitarian aid - NOT TROOPS

    Now that Gates and Rice seem to have locked mad uncle d**k in the attic our foreign policy is being run on much saner and more traditional lines than during Bush' first term.  Real danger is Israeli attack on Iran.

  6. you bet ye.

  7. Are you kidding?!? It is called helping out an ally who has contributed the third most soldiers for us in Iraq and protecting a fellow democratic nation. Russia is the one pushing the boundaries of WW III. He knew attacking Georgia would get the EU and the US on edge.

  8. We can't let Russia just topple any democratic government it wants.  A line needs to be drawn.  

  9. It's simple, he's NOT thinking.

  10. I think he is trying to maintain a military presence within the Middle East.We have to keep a foot hold in Afghanistan,and Pakistan.The bad guys are hiding and waiting on an oppurtunity of our withdrawing of troops so they can pounce.He (I believe)has America at his best intrest,and really doesn't want another war to escalate.He also wants us to be ready in case Iran starts their BS against Israel,or us.

  11. One CANNOT simply stand by and watch Russia doing what it is doing!  If the Georgians are killing ethnic Russians and/or their own people, then let the UN act.  What you don't do is simply go in heavy handed against a known weaker country!

  12. You can't let the Russian criminals get away with this carnage or they will take over the world.

  13. He gets out of office in LESS than a month. He won't have time to. I think the earth has a limit for how much damage a single person can do in an eight year time span...

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