
Is CARLY a form of karen? What does Carly mean? What does Isabella mean?

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Is CARLY a form of karen? What does Carly mean? What does Isabella mean?




  1. Carly    

    First name origin & meaning:

    Latin: Strong-voiced

    First name variations: Karlee, Karlie, Karlye, Karly.


    First name origins & meanings:

    Hebrew: Consecrated to God

    Spanish: Consecrated to God; variation of Elizabeth

    First name variations: Elisabeth, Lisbeth, Liz, Lizzie, Liza, Eliza, Ellie, Elsa, Else, Beth, Bess, Betty, Bette, Bettie, Betsy, Aliza, Libby, Elspeth, Elsbeth, Elsbet, Elspet, Isabel, Isabelle, Elizabeth, Isabelle, Isabal, Isabeli, Ishbel, Isobel, Izabel, Izabele, Izabella, Isbel, Iseaabal, Issabel, Issie, Isabel

    Last name origin & meaning:

    Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese: from the female personal name Isabella (see Isbell).


    The meaning of the name CARLY is  a diminutive  (or shorter)form Of CARLOTTA , and the meaning of the name Carlotta is "Free".   The origin of the name Carlotta is Italian

    Info on this name: Feminine form of Charles, and the  meaning of the name Charles (German origin)  is "Free Man".

    Isabella means "God Is My Oath" and  is Italian in origin.

    Going by what the first site said about Carly--Carlotta  means  "Fiery"  

    Isobel (a form of Isabella) means "God's Oath".

    Charles --"A Man"

      Carl -- "Man"  (German spelling--Karl)

    Carla--It is of Latin origin. Feminine form of Carl. Also short form of Caroline (Old German) "free man".

    The name you wondered about, KAREN, is of Danish origin, a short form of Katherine, which means "Pure" in Greek.

    (Karen has 29 variant forms: Caren, Carin, Caron, Caronn, Carren, Carrin, Carron, Carryn, Caryn, Carynn, Carynne, Karan, Kari, Karin, Karna, Karon, Karren, Karrin, Karryn, Karyn, Kerran, Kerrin, Kerron, Kerrynn, Keryn, Kerynne, Taran, Taren and Taryn; with related names Kalina and Catherine. )

    Baby names that sound like Karen are Karena, Karene, Kareen and Koren

    The girl's name Isabel,a variation on ISABELLA, is of Spanish and Latin origin. Variant of Elizabeth (Hebrew) "God's promise". Other spellings-- Bel, Belia, Belicia, Belita, Bell, Bella, Belle, Bellita, Ib, Ibbie, Isa, Isabeau, Isabela, Isabele, Isabelita, Isabell, Isabella, Isabelle, Ishbel, Isobel, Isobell, Isobella, Isobelle, Issie, Issy, Izabel, Izabella, Izabelle, Izzie, IZZY (a cute nickname, I think), Sabella, Sabelle, Ysabeau, Ysabel, Ysabella, Ysobel, Yzabelle, Yzobel and Yzobelle.

  3. It is a form of Carlene which means man.

  4. The following information came from


    English: pet form or variant of Carla. Variants: Carlie, Carley.


    Spanish, French, and English: originally a Spanish version of Elizabeth, which was coined by deletion of the first syllable and alteration of the final consonant sound to one that can normally end a word in Spanish. The name was imported into France in the early Middle Ages, and thence into England. It was a royal name, and its popularity may have been enhanced by the fact that it was borne by a queen of England—Isabella (1296–1358), daughter of Philip IV of France—even though she led a turbulent life and eventually had her husband, Edward II, murdered. Variants: English: Isobel, Isbel; Isabella (Latinate form, which became popular in England in the 18th century).

    Cognates: Scottish: Iseabail (Gaelic), Ishbel (Anglicized). Irish Gaelic: Isibéal, Sibéal.

    Short form: English: Sabella.

    Pet forms: English: Izzy, Izzie. Scottish Gaelic: Beileag.

    Hope this helps.

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