
Is CLEAR FINISH GLOSS what I need to seal/finish this bookcase collage project?

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I used a spray adhesive to glue magazine ads/covers to a wooden bookcase. (They stuck well because the wood wasn't finished; it was a pretty warn, old bookcase.)

Now I need to coat it with something so the magazines won't get ripped/torn/wet/ect.

I bought a can of Clear Finish Glass by Design Master

Is this what I need to use?

If not, what should I use? I'd prefer a spray, if possible.




  1. For your use it should do Great! Just follow the directions on the can.


  2. if you want it to last a life time then about 50 coats of polyeurethane should do. if you want it to last through next semester the finish you bought might be OK

  3. The product's web page doesn't give any specifics as to what kind of finish this really is. I would say that, given the kind of informal craft project that this is, that you should coat it with something along the lines of clear lacquer. I wouldn't suggest polyurethane. I'm going to guess that this does not need to appear as though it were encased in clear plastic?

    Let's hope the gloss clear finish you bought will be okay. I would have suggested that you get clear lacquer. But, basically, start laying on coats of the clear. Let it dry between coats and then lay on another. You'll need to be the judge of when there is enough finish on the applied paper to know when it's adequately coated, but I would think that at least three, good coats of finish will be needed.

    Lay on the necessary number of coats and then, if you don't want it to look so "wet" and shiny, you can switch to a satin lacquer for the final coat.

    This is a very good brand of spray lacquer, you might find others for less:

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