
Is CNN a heavily biased media?

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I have found in more than a few cases they have a tendency to glorify the right wing conservative and often racist remarks in the sections controlled by their editors. Or is it just something I mis-interpreted?




  1. You may have caught the station in an odd moment. That can happen in a 24-hour news operation.  I'd have to see the references you mention to comment.

    The station generally is pretty centrist, between MSNBC and Fox. If anything, they have been accused of tilting to the left at times.

  2. You did not misinterpret. Noam Chomsky has pointed out many times that the media will hotly debate topics that fall within a certain spectum. However, they almost never touch sensitive topics outside this spectrum.

    Networks are like every other large corporation where executives are replaced on a whim when they don't meet profit targets. They cannot risk alienating a sponsor, so they always fall back to the coporate spin position on any charged topic.

    Also, they do not discuss the important topics that Ralph Nader raises in his 2008 presidential campaign. Oh... You didn't know he was running?  Could it be he is being systematically called a "spoiler" and given no air time?

    For good presidential debate topics see the Ralph Nader 2008 presidential twelve issues that matter. None of them are being discussed by the Republican and Democratic candidates.

  3. CNN is bought and paid for by corporate America. Just watch the commercials next time. Notice all the pharmaceutical (drug) companies. Ya, that's where you'll find where their interest lies.

  4. I don't watch CNN that much anymore ... but i've noticed their reporting seems to be in the center ... when compared to Fox(RIGHT WING )and MSNBC(LEFT WING)

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