
Is CNN badgering McCain supporters about Palin's Experience?

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I've seen two instances now of CNN reporters, in my opinion, badgering supporters of McCain. This aggressive questioning is just painful to watch. If I wanted to see this c**p, I'd watch FOX news instead.

The funny thing is, CNN does this to some conservative blogger or other nobody that probably was just happy to be on TV. I’m sure they weren’t expecting to get blindsided. Could you imagine CNN’s Soledad O'Brien aggressively questioning Mitt Romney? She wouldn’t dare.

In contrast, I saw over the past couple days CNN’s Wolf Blitzer ask dems to compare and contrast Palin’s experience to Obama’s. All (all) of the dems gave a non-answer and all Wolf did was thank them and went to commercial. Maybe I’m over reacting but I was hoping to watch election coverage today while I’m off work. I’m now watching ESPN instead…




  1. is painful to watch McCain representatives attempting to "stretch" Sarah Palin's accomplishments to fit their own definition of "experienced"...Again...if you were hiring someone for a job that required "experience" and you stated that was a serious criterion for the position...shouldn't you use that same standard for every candidate you interview....


  3. MSNBC is doing it also. I have never seen it this bad. Look at how bad the comb overs are on MSNBC. Newt did shout up a aggressive reporter last night it was classic.

  4. I'm sorry...

    it is an election. Isn't learning the factual information about someone's experience, EXACTLY what anyone SHOULD be asking?  

    I am ashamed of this country and the circus this election has turned into.  

  5. Wonder why they don't want to talk about all that foreign experience Obama has gotten down at the International House of Pancakes with the Blonde waitresses

  6. So, compare and contrast Palin's experience against Obama's...  Palin has been elected by the people of her state to run a town and a state.  The only thing Obama has run is his mouth!

  7. I would just show them this:

    even senator Biden said Obama is NOT qualified…and that McCain is better!…case closed!

  8. How dare they focus on something so substantial as whether a VP candidate is qualified to run the country!

    Why aren't they instead focusing on which hollywood stars are supporting Obama! THAT is what a fair and balanced news department does, right?

  9. Well they badgered Obama supporters about his for the better part of 2 years.

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