
Is CO2 pollution good for earth?

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Even if you doubt global warming, do you think that the pollution caused by cars and trucks (and all vehicles and our heat, etc...) is good for the earth?

Do you think that it would help the planet and the creatures who live here (us) to reduce the amount of CO2 that we put into our air? If you think that taxing CO2 is a bad idea, do you have a good idea to get people to lower their CO2? Do you think that it is responsible to drive Hummers if you do not need to transport 9 people around?

No BS... you can doubt global warming, but can you doubt that CO2 pollution is harmful and needs to be cut down?




  1. Co2 in excees in the evironment is not good, same with evrything else...

    to curb CO2 emission everyone should ride a bike like me, or take the public transit when travelling to work/college/school/ or any place not too far.

    birth control... the earth is overpopullated with people giving off CO2 and cutting our food supply :D

  2. Your going to split lots of hairs with judicial and scientific communities over that concept. No real scientist or biologist would ever admit to CO2 as a pollutant, it has no detrimental properties, nor does it degrade any living organisms tissues. Through it has been disputed through legal avenues for the purpose of regulation only.That is, it had to be separated into a wide grouping of emission criteria to meet EPA regulatory enforcement. Declaring it as a pollutant has the same premise as H2O being listed in the same category. It also occurs naturally, but can be a by product of incomplete combustion. Having  both beneficial and detrimental properties as CO2. I do believe in moderation as most of the civilized world. I also feel there are many more issues that should have a higher priority then CO2. Land based toxins have both an immediate effect with long term consequences, to the environment.

  3. no its not good, we exhale it and then the trees and plants take it in and release oxygen for us. its that simple! :)

  4. Co2 in high enough concentration will kill animals. Plants such as poison ivy thrive on high co2 concentrations. Rising co2 levels in the atmosphere changes the climate. Co2 in water lowers the PH of the water.

  5. CO2 is a major contributor to global warming.  Setting aside the warming effect, CO2 plays an important role in the chemistry and biology of the earth.  Too little or too much CO2 is undesirable.  At 380 ppm, CO2 has a negligible effect on humans, but at 5000 ppm it is toxic.  The CO2 concentration in buildings is always higher than the atmospheric CO2 concentration.  More CO2 increases the ventilation requirements for buildings.  CO2 is a limiting factor for plant growth in many environments.  If the concentration is increased, the balance of C3 and C4 plants changes and this threatens vital food crops.  More biomass is not good if the additional biomass is inedible weeds.  Wheat grows faster with more CO2 and produces more biomass, but the  head matures faster and accumulates fewer nutrients for human consumption.  Excess CO2 in the atmosphere has a significant impact on lakes, streams and oceans.  The two main effects are lowering the pH, which produces a cascade of biological effects and an increase in photosynthesis, which leads to apoxia in deep water and collapse of benthic ecosystems.

  6. I  agree that too much CO2 in the environment is a problem and probably leades to global warming. However, I think and even bigger and more immediate problem is the havoc that is being wrecked on our economy as the world starets running out of fossil fuels.

  7. CO2 is not a pollutant. Without CO2, plant life would cease to exist. Since plants put off oxygen, and you need oxygen to breath, you would stop breathing, which would lower the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, since you put off CO2 when you exhale. Thus, ending global warming and saving the earth. Wa-la!!

  8. CO2 is not a pollutant. It's a naturally occurring gas.  You exhale it when you breathe. Maybe you should stop breathing?

    C02 levels were much higher at other periods in history and life thrived.

  9. hmm...i think that the CO2 cause due to trucks and cars isn't good for the earth because it leads to what is called the black hole or a hole in the ozone which allows the sunlight and the green house gases to creep in and thus leads to global warming and thereby causing destruction of the earth .

    Even for people the CO2 let out isnt good for their health as it leads to many respiratory problems.

    The amount of CO2 released can be reduced by

    use of fuel such as LPG/CNG...gobar gas etc.

    Even home appliances  like A.C ,REFRIGERATORS...that use CFC(cloro-fluro-carbon)which are also the causes of global warming can  be made without that component (CFC)to avoid excess pollution of the ozone layer

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