
Is COMPASSION (Child Sponsoring) Any good? Does the money go to the church, or actually go to the kids??

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I'm thinking about sponsoring a kid but my mom is worried about where the money REALLY goes...




  1. If you are unsure, how about children in need in your area.

    Domestic Violence Assistance, Food Bank, even you local church could have a list of children in need.

  2. Compassion has one of the finest track records of any group in assuring that the money you send them goes to the kids.  It has one of the lowest overhead percentages of any charity.  In addition, they emphasize the relationship of the sponsor with the child over the monetary portion.  We have sponsored children for 7 years now and are really getting to know our kids.  When we have arranged for special gifts to get to the kids, we actually get pictures of them wearing the dress or playing with the specific toys we sent, so I am certain they are seeing the direct benefits of our involvement.  We benefit, too, from getting regular correspondence from them (obviously more complete as the kids get older).  

    Compassion is straightforward about their goals in helping each child come to know Christ through the relationship with the organization.  They have nearly 100% indigent staff in each country and very strict guidelines for the use of their funds, occasionally even closing a project if they feel the money is not being used appropriately.  

    Research it, but I think you will find Compassion is above reproach.

  3. Compassion, International has a 4-star Charity Navigator rating, which means that independent assessors believe that it handles its finances well.  I've included a link for you.  You can see that most of the money goes toward program expenses.

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