
Is California State University a good school?

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How worthwhile is a bachelor's degree from Cal State? I'd like to attend school without breaking the bank but, based on my research, it seems as though CSU is not a good choice. How far would i get with a bachelor in business/finance from CSU? I'd like to pursue graduate studies at a top school thereafter.





  1. it's a bad school.. lots of gang shootings and large birds constantly pecking everyone's eyes out.. I wouldn't dare go there...

  2. There are many Cal State colleges (CSU). Some are better than others but none are well represented at top business schools. This doesn't mean that you can't get into one if you do extremely well at a CSU, it just means they don't generally feed into the top tier business programs.

    Your biggest issue is that for business schools much is based on the job you do for 3-5 years after undergrad before you apply. They want applicants that had elite jobs and do well in them. Unless you are very connected, such a job will be hard to get after graduating from a CSU. Again, not impossible, but the kid from Berkeley or Stanford has a much easier time getting those jobs.

    You would be better off going to a community college and hen transferring to Berkeley or UCLA after 2 years. It will end up costing about the same as 4 years at a CSU.

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