
Is Campbell Brown making Tucker Bounds look really stupid or what?

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He can't even answer about ONE executive decision that Sarah Palin made while Commander of the Alaska National Guard, which is what they are running on for her experience to be ready on day one to take over the presidency if McCain bites the dust.




  1. He never answered even ONE question she asked. Looked kind of dumb didn't he?

    OBAMA IN 08 !!!!!

  2. That was a distressing interview. I hate when people don't answer questions they're asked.

    BTW, I didn't even recognize Tucker at first without his idiotic bow tie. I'm pleased he decided to abandon his signature look. It's a HUGE improvement!!

    For the record: Campbell Brown is a known Republican. And her husband is a Republican Consultant for Fox News. So I hardly think she was hard on Tucker because of a particular polical bias. I think journalists should ask the tough questions more often of both parties. It seems we've really gotten away from that.

  3. I just saw this too! I thought it was hilarious! She is really giving it to him. She is obviously a big Obama lover, and is quite biased towards Obama but I still tought it was great to see her give it to him, she said " I will give you this one baby"

  4. she owned him bad

  5. well it people were are actually watching news on here and not saying radom rumers

  6. go to for the interview... It was awesome!! mccain has made this SUPER easy!!!!!


  7. It was awsemore.

  8. hehe, i saw that, i was thinking "You go girl!" honestly tho, i was laughing b/c he was beating around the bush with every question and she was just trying to ask "Can you just answer my question?" why would mccain peoplechoose him as a spokesperson... =>

  9. Yes! I love Campbell Brown. She doesnt accept the Repub's usual non-answers.  

  10. What makes this so shameful is that no one on CNN has yet asked anything about Obama's experience, or what makes him experienced. CNN wants to grill Republicans about Palin, (which is fine), but how about the same grilling over Obama.

    Because I for one feels Barack Obama has no experience whatsoever.

  11. Yes.  It was funny and sad at the same time.

  12. I thought the interview was very unfair.

    After all, Palin did 'manage' a very small town in the hinterland, she knows how to 'manage' a gun and skin a moose, and she has 'managed' a household of FIVE kids. And then she sort of 'managed' to sleep in the Alaskan Governor's Mansion for a while.

    And her foreign policy/military experience is nothing to be sneezed at either: She waved the Alaskan National Guard goodbye on a couple of occasions, as they left for Iraq or Afghanistan.

    (I think I should apply for Tucker Bounds' job, don't you?)

    All this 'executive experience', while Obama has been 'visiting' his 'bro's' in the seedier parts of Chicago, 'sitting around' for 8 years in the Illinois Senate, spent nearly 4 years 'lounging around' the US Senate, and has been 'running' a campaign with probably a bigger budget than the state of Alaska?

    Shame on you, Campbell Brown!

  13. They can't answer it because they don't think that far.

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