let's face it, Americans such as my self (at least my generation) don't know very much about the place, mostly because all we learned about in school were native americans and blacks (no offense, i'm just sayin'). what most of us do know is the stereotypes like :
they're overly polite
they export a lot of maple syrup
it's cold
they have funny accents
their city's have funny names
they have national health care, which I've heard is better than that of the U.K.'s
there is beautiful landscape and clean air
and of course hockey
now for your average American republican who thinks taxes are a necessary evil, that all major politicians are generally retarded and a big bag of conflicted interests, and that the government should be ruled by the people not vice verse ( V for Vendetta is probably my favorite movie), that San Francisco will be destroyed by fiery hail in the next 5 years, that the USA is far too dependent on foreigners (because of the politicians) and too easy on illegal immigrants (they're called ILLEGAL for a reason folks) and that we stick our nose in way too deep sometimes, is Canada a good place to live?
in other words, are there as many left wing nuts up there as there are down here?