
Is Cancer cosmological?

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Cancer as per tumours!




  1. The stars in Cancer are all less than a 1000 lightyears away and so are not cosmological.

  2. No, it's pathological.

  3. It's to do with technological advvances in life. No one had depression and cancer years ago.

  4. Typically, when an astrological sign is capitalized, it's an astrological sign.

    Originally, when the astrological signs were invented, your birth sign was the constellation that the Sun was in when you were born.  I'm an Aquarius.  I used a planetarium program to see what constellation the Sun was in at the minute of my birth.  It was Capricorn.  So am i an Aquarius or a Capricorn?  The horoscopes aren't the same.

    What has happened is that, due to precession, all of the constellations have shifted about one since astrology bothered to look.  The shift has been gradual, and astrologers don't seem to have noticed. It probably doesn't make any difference.  The predictions of astrology apply to anyone.

    So here's an experiment.  Instead of looking at horoscopes for Cancer, look at those for Aquarius.  See if they apply as well.  We'll all want a full report on your progress.

  5. I think Capricorn is.

  6. Cancer can be biological, astrological, or astronomical, but not cosmological.

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