
Is Capitalism Rational?

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Capitalism of Karl Marx and Rationalization of Max Weber.




  1. Insofar as capitalists employ reason. Any economic or social philosphy can be rational. The problem is the starting premise (premises?) may not be correct -or may even be seriously flawed. The n***s were pretty rational in the application and extensions of their philosophies and social agenda. It was the agenda itself that was vile. Reason without good moral values is a social disaster.

    Karl Marx made communism sound pretty good on paper. I mean, from each according to his ability; to each according to his need. It sounds utopian. In practice it didn't work out so good, and the dictatorships of the proletariat just turned into, you know, the regular kind of dictatorships. Ick. It turns out that from a day-to-day business management point of view, governments often do a lousy job. They're better off sticking to policy-making and enforcing legal rights.

    Capitalism, with its management-capital-labor divisions, has kind of stood the test of time, economics-wise. Yes, it appeals to some of our baser, greedier instincts. However, these can be (and sometimes have been) tempered through good governance. It's always a work in progress.

    Some kind of balance between Capitalism and Socialism, a middle way, seems to work best for Western Cultures.

    Interesting question!  

  2. Undoubtedly, it has been tried already... and a work in progress somewhere on the planet... at some expense of humankind.

  3. Get rich quick schemes in the capitalist business world, (buyouts, IPOs, conglomerates, acquisitions, mergers, and the stock market), do not actually work. Remaining solvent does not actually exist within false economics capitalism.

    Profit existing in the capitalist business world, or millionaires existing within capitalism, is pathological deception committed by the 21 organizations spying on the population with plain clothes agents, (with covert fake names and fake backgrounds).

    Actual economics is the persons that are paying the business loans of companies voting at work in order to control the property they are paying for.

    Capitalism is the psychology of imaginary parents, false economics, and the criminal deception of employees that are paying the bills (including the stocks and bonds, or shares) of companies.

    Anti-Democracy republicanism is the psychology of imaginary parents, and false government.

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