
Is Carmelo the most over-blown,overrated player in the NBA?

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I mean what has this guy ever done?Here's a few things .

Gets beat by the Clippers of all teams in the playoffs a few years ago.After getting kicked out of the final game against the Clips for crying !!

Then last year he gets drunk and takes a drive and tops that off by going in the tank against the Lakers.Why is this guy on TEAM USA?




  1. Obviously you don't know how good the Clippers were a few years ago. They were one of the best defensive teams in the league. They won 47 or 49 games in the West. Also the Nuggets were just a fast break team with no defense besides Iverson and Camby. He's on team USA because he can score and drive to the hoop, he can cause alot of mismatches at the 4 spot. To answer your question, he isn't overrated, you're just a hater and jealous of him for some reason. Get your head out of the gutter before you say someone is overrated.  

  2. Yes. I've had a lot of thumbs down for ripping Anthony on here. It's nice to find somebody who agrees. He's good at filling a stat sheet, and that's it.

  3. My understanding he is the most underrated player ....That man is a beast in the post when he puts his mind to it....and he has one of the most prettiest jumpers eva.....  Being on the usa team and winning the gold will really mature him this year...ppl don't give him much respect ...yeah ok he made a few mistakes ...but doesn't everyone.. Its amazing how everybody is down graded him now but everybody was sweating him when he playing for syracuse

  4. No

  5. No hes pretty solid. Always a top 5 scorer almost every season and is a pretty good rebounder.

    I dont think he's overrated at all  

  6. He didn't get beat by the clippers, the nuggets did.  He is by far the best player on team U.S.A.  aka CAPTAIN AMERICA!  This should tell you it's his supporting teammates on the Nuggets that have been having a hard time.  Why ask what has he ever done when he has only been in the league a few years.

  7. no way people barely talk about him he is realy good but with the wrong team and hes on the usa team because hes a good player you cant  blame him for all the nuggets problems

  8. No he's really good and he is doing very well in the pre olympic games

  9. Just so you know.  My name is no longer Carmelo.  I'm officially known as Sweet Melon.

    I'm on Team USA is because I'm better then Kobe.

  10. He's OK i guess!!Never really saw him as a big star!!

  11. He is one of most overrated he is also a baby and he doesn't deserve to be on the US team.

  12. no.


  14. Listen. What i consider an overrated player is someone with a high draft pick position, but doesnt contribute much in games. Carmelo had a high draft pick, but has all star stats to back it up. So no, you don't know what you're talking about. His personal life is none of anyones business, and i only judge him on court. Oh and just so you know, players dont get technicals for crying, so try actually learning the game.

  15. I still dont know his true position, hes slow and hard to watch.

  16. no he is not overrated and he deserves being in the team USA

  17. no, i feel melo isn't underrated, but maybe underpublicize, but the people in the nba know what he can do.  He didn't lose to the clippers his team did, bball is a group effort.  

  18. It's MJ. So what if he's Jump Man?

    I'm Fly Boy!

    Fly Boy > Jump Man

    cause the fairies say so!

    I do believe in fairies! I do! I do!

    Think Happy Thoughts!

  19. Yes he is!!

  20. call him what you want, but he is still the best player on his team. the AI trade messed everything up for that team and Melo. i'm guessing most people have forgotten that he was the best player on the US team last summer, but has done c**p for them so far

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